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The Bunch Travel to visit Family and Start Summer!

We went to Kearney, NE last week.  Everyone who knows us knows we like to travel and visit lots of distant locales so the top question we answered this time was "why?", the answer is that we have family that lives there now. It really is a cute town. While at 42,000 it is quite small by DFW standards, they seem to think it is a large city so use care when talking to the natives about their "cute little town".

My husband's aunt  was still in the hospital when we arrived  and suffering from a serious infection. We helped care for my husband's grandma, who at 88 is unfortunately starting to suffer dementia. This is however no where near the level that his other Grandmother had. She at least remembered who we were and got names right, which is better than me most days. The first day she told us how great it was we came and asked how long the drive took..........about 15 times in the first hour. Other than that and asking how old the kids were multiple times a day, I was impressed with how well she was actually doing. She asked a lot of questions, but that was expected and was less than I thought it would be. She actually seemed fairly normal the last couple of days we were there. I was also shocked at how much she stayed awake to visit with us. She is such a sweet wonderful lady and we love her very much and we had a great visit.

While we were there, we went to tour some of the prairie museums. The Stuhr museum was a favorite. It is a whole little town set up and completely decorated in period pieces with living people dressed and performing actual tasks from the 1800's on genuine period equipment. The woodworker and the blacksmith were really interesting. Our Aunt's stepson kept us company on our outings and my oldest daughter mentioned, as we were looking back on our pictures, that it looked liked we abducted someone else's kid. We had a great time together laughing and exploring every where together.

My hematoma did act up after so much walking so on the last day of walking at a museum and I had to use a wheel chair. This apparently was great fun for the kids who took turns "pushing" me. They had me sailing down ramps at neck breaking speeds and I am pretty sure I took a turn on one wheel. They already said they can't wait to push my wheel chair again.....aren't they sweet? My kids are eagerly awaiting my demise, I feel so loved. I found out yesterday at the Dr. I have a very bad sinus infection, which explained my dizzy spells while we were in NE. However, even after only one dose of antibiotics and steroids I feel SO much better. God Bless medicine!
At least the dog is enjoying my illness.

An 1800's school house

Walking on stilts is hard!

Some were better than others.

All the woodworkers equipment was original from the 1800's.

Beautiful early church.

It had fantastic stained glass throughout.

I was the only willing to take a picture next to the beehive and no one would enter the earth house with me...babies.

Our Aunt's stepson J.
Cool 3 D painting.

People had such narrow halls and steep stairs in the 1800's. How did they get furniture upstairs?

Upper middle class dining room

Small sparsely furnished bedroom  

They even had mannequins in this fantastic restoration! 

The kids actually liked the desks.

This church is still used and T was able to ring the bell!

D had fun on the high dive.

T is easy to find in his bright shirt...kind of like a bad where's waldo.

Our Aunt looking much better.

D and his Aunt's Husband K

T was so happy to play with another boy.

Watching movies on the drive home

A had a fantastic Vball game this week. She scored over 1/3 of her team's overall points. She was so happy.  She is my helper next week for VBS and we are excited. We will be doing a craft booth. A is very creative so this should be fun for her.

T is settling in to his summer by trying to swim in our little above ground pool constantly. L usually swims with him and they have a good hour and 15 minutes together before they start fighting and I make them get out.

The rest of the family seems to be getting sick also. We are suppose to have gymnastics today, but only one kid might participate. T would literally have to be moments away from death to get him to sit still and rest. He is like me, can't sit still for long periods. Some people may call it a form of ADHD, but I call it preferring to be active instead of lazy. "Idle hands cause the devil's work" My husband must thank me...I NEVER allow his hands to remain idle!


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