We did it. We made it through birthday season. The kids had a blast at the trampoline park with their cousins and friends. We kept it simple with homemade cupcakes and just a few decorations. I like these low key, fairly low stress parties. I know the elaborate ones are a little more festive, but they are also a lot of work.
T with his friend and cousin. |
A and her friend's foot....long story. |
We still have our roosters. It is apparently harder than I thought to find somewhere to slaughter them. I guess there is not enough money in chicken processing. I know we could do it ourselves, but I just don't think I could EVER get the kids to eat chicken again if we did and I think it is just gross. I can probably drop them off at the market okay, but that is about it.
We have decided, a full year later, that we are ready to attempt another trip. Albeit, it is only for a week and 6.5 hours away, which for us is super close. We decided on Branson, MO because it had so much to do and because it was so close. They kids are pretty excited and I must admit that D and I are pretty excited also. We haven't really opened the camper since last year so hopefully everything is still working.
T was quarterback last game. He did great! He was able to throw the ball some distance and another kid was a great receiver. They worked well together. Unfortunately, his team lost because defense had a hard time pulling flags out. Overall, it was a great game though.
T flag football team. |
T found face paint that stays on longer so he can be an Indian. |
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