T turns 9. Yes, we recycled Xmas paper. |
A turns 14. We recycled her princess bag from 6 years ago. |
T is in heaven with his teepee and war bonnet. |
The celebrations continue at the house. In fact, I have decided it is just easier to leave the decorations up until after everyone has celebrated their birthday. Unfortunately, Harvey thwarted our plans to celebrate with family and friends. Not that we are dealing with anything of significance compared to our southern neighbors, but it did cause a severe gas shortage that we have had to deal with. Therefore, the party was postponed by a couple of weeks. My husband asked me the other night if the island in the kitchen was going to always say Pirate Party. Of course, I reminded him that we haven't had the actual party yet, though I am surprised he asked since with my OCD behaviors NOTHING stays out of place for long.
Our weather has been so beautiful lately. One benefit of Harvey for us is that it chased off all the humidity in the air and left us with below normal dry air. It feels fantastic! I have heard the weatherman's lies that summer will come back by the end of the week. I refuse to go back to triple degree weather.
The chicken saga has been pretty much laid to rest. My father in law's fail proof method has proven successful! We have 5 of the best and most unique serenading crowing hens. Yep, that's right. We definitely have 5 roosters (possibly 6, but sweet Sera hasn't actually crowed yet so we are still desperately clinging to hope) and 5 hens (4 w/out sweet Sera). The boys are being fattened up to go the processing center. If they start fighting more seriously, we may have to take them sooner and as my youngest daughter said, "We will each get our own personal sized chicken." Yep. They are pretty small. I think we might keep the one rooster though. He has so far been calm and good at keeping everyone in line. 3 of the roosters I will be glad when they leave. One is very vocal and all three are mean.
We are getting back into the routine of the school year, even though we just took birthday week off. T starts football this week and we all start back to our scout group that we love. We celebrate our one year anniversary in the new house next month and we have grown to really love our little town, which we unfortunately heard will soon be expanding. I can't believe it has been a year since we both moved and set off on a month adventure in the pop up with 3 kids and an antisocial dog. Looking back, it does sound crazy, but it really wasn't bad except when the youngest two became sick.
My beautiful family....with my loving husband yelling at me to hurry up and take the stupid picture. |
Aren't they cute! |
D and I made her this wand holder for her wands from Orlando. |
Our Birthday dinner.
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