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The Bunch Celebrate Easter and Go Old School to the ANT war

First off, We have finally finished L's Bday celebration month. Her family party was Paris themed and she even went so far as to make homemade macaroons, which will NEVER be happening again by the way. It took all day and getting the cookies off the sheets was torturous. L worked really hard decorating and getting ready for her party. She even made a poster for the door. We had her friend party yesterday and I took her and a couple of her friends to go jump at the trampoline park and to get ice cream. Basically, I wore them out and then loaded them full of sugar. I pretty sure everyone  crashed after going home.
My Kids

L and Her Great Aunt

L and her strawberry cake

L's bday dinner with the grandparents
L and her friends
                                                       A had fun jumping too!

T was ready to go home. Oh, boys.

Easter was fantastic. We picked up my husband's aunt and went to my in laws. We had a big family lunch and then the kids did an egg hunt. My mother in law went a wee bit crazy on the candy, but it was a great time.
That is my mini me. See the candies arranged by size and color.

Another me.

                                                       A on the hunt

L on the hunt

                                                Apparently, I missed T.

She gave us A LOT of candy.

This is why the door was sloshing.

Papa and his girlfriend

In our never ending battle with the ants, we have decided to go old school. Because of the chickens and the fact I don't like my family exposed to deadly chemicals, we cannot put "traditional" ant killer down. In my research, yes we actually had to research this, I looked for how pioneers dealt with ants. Not just any ants, Fire Ants. We have, literally, hundreds of mounds on our property and no the chickens won't eat them for us (but apparently will eat bb's and trash and enjoy making us chase them so we can retrieve whatever inedible object they are trying to consume). I am pretty sure the entire property sits on one big ant colony. Anyways, one thing they used was boric acid, but I don't think chickens can eat that either so we went with another way. Boiling water. This will kill ANY grass or plants it comes in contact with because, well it's boiling water. I really shouldn't need to explain that too much. However, I can't grow grass on my wonderful black clay so what do I care if weeds die. Now, I don't use this method in the garden or near my trees. For that I use DE, make them move the mound, and then use boiling water. The water method is fun, you need a minimum of 3 gallons of super boiling water, a good back to carry it out to the mound(it's heavy!), and an attitude that isn't afraid of going to Parkland's burn unit. Slowly, pour so it gurgles down into all the chambers and watch the bodies float. Very satisfying, though it takes FOREVER. I have spent 2 whole days doing this so far and while it is very effective it just takes so long!
Making Ant Killer

My poor grass free ant infested yard.

Nothing, but bodies.

Die suckers!

D, with A's help, was able to repair the pop up lift system in time for our Scout campout. He really wants to upgrade to the travel trailer, but with two kids about to get braces and A heading in a year to a college to spend her last two years doing dual credit classes I won't spend the money. I tend to be very thrifty, in fact, ,most of our home furnishings are hand me down's from other people or things D made himself (still in love with my table, thanks honey). I hate to waste things that are functional when we can spend a little a time, refresh them, and get some more use out of them..

Besides the ants, my other arch nemesis, the septic system decided to act up this weekend. Of course, the alarm went off on Friday night, septic people are a Mon-Fri crew. Basically, we tried flipping the pump off on and for two days, but to no avail. Instead, we spent the weekend living by island rules on flushing and carting all grey water out to the flower beds. First thing on Monday morning the blessed septic crew show up, what did he do? He flipped the switch back on (same switch we tried ALL weekend) and immediately the pump started running. I hate this thing. I really feel it does this just to make us look stupid. "Did you try turning it back on?" NOOOO, you have to turn it on? Though I really think he does think we are that stupid. Septic 3 Us 0. Yep, it's personal.
L's scout troop on our field trip to the theatre.


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