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The Bunch are Already Almost Half Way Through Summer

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband
Ohh, the lovely summer days. Just laying around with nothing to do. What a beautiful thing! Except my house would have no idea how this feels because if the kids feel "too" bored I am the one who regrets it. We have moved at a much slower pace (Yes, dear, we really have done less). Much much less now that the mower broke and has to go in for warranty work. Of course, there  is one guy in the ENTIRE county that does the warranty work so basically the mower should be back by October. Good thing we do not have an HOA. We do get chiggers though, so I am still not keen on having to let the grass get tall.

T has been busy with basketball practice and games. I have to say I am loving the evening games. We can get all our stuff done during in the day WITHOUT rushing and then pack up and go enjoy his game(s). They have won one game and lost one game. It has been fun and I am learning that we know NOTHING about basketball (T has never even watched a game) and asking people what happened and why can get a little annoying. He also has a baseball camp this week which he is really excited about. I am a little nervous because he has NEVER been away all day long 5 days in a row and he tends to not handle heat well. Since this is Texas in summer, it goes without saying heat will  definitely be an issue. That and the fact 550 kids will be at camp should make this a quite crazy week! He also has attended some events the local library has put on and have actually been pretty interesting. One class was a mystery class where they read mystery books and wrote their own and one had reptiles that the trainers explained what they were and other facts about them.
T at his first game

T trying to figure out exactly what is basketball. Sorry baby, mama has no idea!

It is father's day, but recycle, reuse.

The girls have also had fun at the library. One class they went to showed them how to do post it note art on the windows and they were able to make a design on the main window in the library. They are really proud of that. They also made cd art, which basically means paint the shiny side of a cd and use a bamboo skewer to scratch designs into the paint. They thought that one was a lot harder and not quite as fun. Their favorite class was an improv class. After I picked them up from that one, it took them about an hour to finally settle down and quit laughing constantly. They have also been my BIG helpers on the camper remodel. I can't wait to finish and show pics to everyone. It is going to be fantastic! And on a similar note MAY I NEVER SEW ANOTHER CUSHION COVER AGAIN!
A and L make a cauliflower pizza and proudly show it off.

T has to get in on the action and jumps in with them, L expresses her displeasure at this by pinching him.
L gets grounded for the day because of said pinching.
A was the only one who actually liked said cauliflower pizza.
Girls post it note art on the library window....Pacman (which is an old video game) if you are less than 30 years old!

I am trying to balance getting stuff done and having fun. I took everyone to see Incredibles 2 last week and it was great. I won't say too much for those who haven't seen it and want to, but it was really funny and just as good, if not better, than the first. Also, all day on Tuesdays Cinemark has tickets for only $4.75. Unfortunately, we went on a Monday, but next time it will be a Tuesday. We are looking forward to Hotel Transylvania 3 in July. The younger kids have also enjoyed the local splash pad and the waterpark. The oldest that is still at home doesn't like to get her hair wet or smell like "pool". I have a couple of little day trips planned, but they are a surprise.
A enjoys her lunch for AB honor roll ALL YEAR at Seven Mile Café....sooooo good!

T has a blast at the splash pad.

L enjoys getting wet, but not as crazy as T at the splash pad.

Apparently sliding on a plastic slide while dripping wet is a little  scary.

Having fun with B (granddaughter) at the waterpark.

Crazy Dog "helping" us play cards.

She is ever so helpful.

L and B about to do the rock wall..Neither made it all the way...It is REALLY hard.

T working on his front flips

Chicken update--No one new is laying yet. I still have 2 freeloaders that show no real desire to earn their keep.
On the subject of pets, our crazy anti social dog  now apparently has a food allergy. It took us about $400 to find out she can't have dairy, soy, grains, beef, or chicken. So basically there is one dog food in existence she can have and it is $70 a bag! And that isn't for a big bag. Now that she is feeling better, her tolerant behavior has deteriorated. She is back to being my embarrassingly crazy dog. I knew that the last camping trip was a fluke and she needed to see a vet!

2:00 in the afternoon on mowing day. Heat takes a lot out of you!
My ears are doing great! It took a month of healing, but I feel fantastic now. Things are a lot louder than they were so I have to put in ear plugs during church when the music plays and stuff like that, but overall I am happy.


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