Typical Cuddle Night. |
First off, Yay! I officially put my ear muffs back in the winter closet today! I have not used them at all in a few days now. It took about a month, but I feel great and my ears feel completely normal 95% of the time. I am normal (ish) again! It seemed like an extra long road to recovery, but I am soooo happy to finally feel like I am there. Unfortunately, I ran over my foot with a floor jack while cleaning the garage last week and it ripped my big toe nail half off. It did NOT feel good and the kids (and neighbors) heard some nice screaming and colorful language. Thank goodness I had my toenail removed a couple of years ago because of runners toe so I knew how to deal with this injury. D asked if I would please stop hurting myself. I don't know why I am so accident prone here.
The babies are starting to lay eggs. One of them has been laying for about a week now and number 2 is in the nesting box now. The one in the box now lays colorful eggs so we can't wait to see what color they are!
We have had a lot of storms recently, but lucky for us they seem to mostly skirt around us. We did have crazy wind the other day, but luckily no serious damage. We had about 65mph gusts and 38 mph sustained winds. The chicken coops barely budged so go us for building super solid coops! I just checked and woohoo, a little GREEN egg was waiting for us! Now, we just have two more babies that need to start laying.
Two Baby Eggs!
Baby eggs compared to big girl eggs.
T started basketball this week. Tonight is his first game. He is really excited. It should be interesting since NO ONE on his team has ever played before. T only plays in the driveway so the formal rules are NOT familiar to him.
The crazy hot streak last week had us being inventive. The chickens don't handle rapid temperature changes well so we installed a mister system in the coop to help keep the ambient air cooler. This helped with all of them except one who likes to get broody and sit on her egg for hours at a time. She literally will not get off of it until you make her and take the egg away, which in this heat she would die of heat stroke if she tried to stay in the box all day, so we brought her inside to cool off and enjoy the afternoon in the a/c from the comfort of the dog kennel.
Chicken enjoying an a/c afternoon. |
L beats the heat. |
T REALLY beats the heat. That water comes from 400 ft below ground; IT IS COLD! |
Storm is approaching. |
Crazy wind...we almost lost the trampoline even with 4 12inch anchors. I thought a hurricane would be needed to move it! |
The kids painted the chicken coop and the bench out front this week. It turned out great. We just bought "whoopsie paint" on clearance from Lowe's so it probably won't last too long because it is interior paint, but we are sealing it this week so maybe it will last a couple of years.
T made a cave drawing. |
L did wonders with our old worn out bench. |
A made a glorious sunset. |
Next week, we are starting our pop up remodel. I will try to take before pics and after pics this time. I don't know why I ALWAYS forget the before pics. I guess I just get too excited to start.
D likes an after meal nap....T used his blankie to cover him. |
After the reunion, we drove by the Magnolia store, it was closed on Sundays. ;( |
Spice Village was open though and really neat. |
We will be back to explore soon. |
How can L sleep like that? |
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