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The Bunch Have Dealt With A Lot!

The reception after the funeral.

First off, we had to deal with the death of D's grandfather.   While this wasn't something that surprised us since he had COPD and was 91, it was still hard. It was definitely harder than when his grandmother passed away. She had severe dementia and we had felt she had left us years before she really did. His grandfather was coherent until the end. He had spent over 3 weeks in the hospital and we were glad he found peace, but it was still hard to watch him go. Fortunately, we were allowed enough time for one final visit with him and we were able to say goodbye.  He was really upset that the hospital didn't have happy hour and they tried to give him turkey sausage instead of "real sausage". I think if God let me have a choice I would rather suffer a little at the end of my full life than forget the family and life I had. Rest in peace Papa and give Nana a hug for us!
The funeral procession. I didn't get a pic, but one construction worker took off his hard hat and placed it over his heart while we passed. Some good people are still out there.

The flowers were appropriate.....

He loved fishing.

D's Aunt sent us a cookie basket, which was so yummy! We ate every cookie in 3 days. We may need another sugar detox!

T finished cub scouts and now we are figuring out what to do with our extra time next year. T is sad to leave his friends, but I am sure when he finds a new activity and new friends that he will enjoy himself. D, on the other hand, couldn't be more excited to be done with Scouts, or at least leading a troop. I was surprised he didn't break out the wine to celebrate at the end of year party. The girls still have 2 months left before they are done. I think L will miss her friends too, but the girls seem ready to try something new.
T earned his arrow of light award for finishing cub scouts. It is the cubs highest honor.

Then we partied with pizza and cupcakes.

We also sold the pop up that we slaved over all summer. We did sell it for what we paid for it 3.5 years ago so I guess all that hard work was worth it. We are a little sad that we worked so hard and made it suit our personality so well and only used it twice. However, we love our trailer so far (at least in looks since we STILL haven't been able to take it out) and really look forward to walls, real beds, and a sink with HOT water to do dishes. We are also really excited to have a bathroom WITH walls and to NOT have to step on people to get in or out of bed! The guy who bought it was an Iraq war vet who is married with 3  kids; 2 boys and 1 girl. I hope they have as much fun in it as we did.  We all still remember how excited we were the first day we brought it home and we wouldn't have to set up the tent anymore. We were so happy! It was hard to watch it go and knowing how hard they are to find I was a little reluctant, but I knew it would just sit there and get gross from not using it. We sold it in 24 hours after listing it and had several people want it during that time frame. It came down to who got here first. Ironically, the first person here lived in Heartland (who knew this was a real place and not just a tv show) and drove an hour and a half each way to come and get it. They already planned to take it to Arkansas next week.
We went to the Dallas rv show.

Some of them are nicer than our house.

And more expensive!

He really wished he wouldn't have left his coat in the car. We had to wait for 10 minutes before the doors opened.

Lastly, in what apparently is my need to spend money. We have decided to trade in our 20 year old little car and get D a nearly new little car to take back and forth to work. The current car has been unreliable for the past year so it has just set in the driveway. It appears the transmission is starting to fail so we have been driving the full size SUV's everywhere, which not only get horrible gas mileage, but also puts a ton of miles on the tow vehicle. Dave Ramsey would be proud though; we are NOT taking out a loan to get it.  He is getting a bare bones car to go from point A to point B, but it will be paid for and still under warranty. He is really hoping for a manual transmission and manual windows, but I am not sure manual windows are still a thing. (He really doesn't like technology so the less buttons and "upgrades" the better.) We will see what we find.


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