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The Bunch See Elvis, Play in the Snow, and Get Sick

He tried to play in the snow until every last drop melted.
One of the gifts in my stocking was 5 tickets to go see an Elvis impersonator at the nearby casino.  My youngest son, who absolutely loves Elvis, was super excited about this. It was a little weird taking the kids through the casino floor to the convention center. You would have thought that there would be a door directly from the outside entering the convention center, but alas there was not. The kids had to tromp through the slots and blackjack tables to reach the entrance to the show. Luckily, they weren't the only kids seeing Elvis, but it was still weird walking through everything, though to be fair their was a "women and children"s bathroom among all the slot machines so I guess taking kids to the casino isn't that uncommon.  We had a fantastic time and the kids want to see another show there, preferably a magician.  It reminded me a lot of Branson shows, except with a few more kids.  In Branson, it is usually just us and all the 75-90 year olds. Here there was a handful of younger families, but the venue wasn't as nice. However, the tickets were a lot less expensive. All in all, we had fun and would do it again. The girls laughed at the antics of all the little old ladies, most with walkers, vying for the fake Elvis's attention. I am not sure if they thought he was really Elvis or not. They were pretty old. D, T, and I had fun singing along and watching the show. Kraig Parker does an excellent Elvis and even his manager was Elvis's manager. I wasn't allowed to take pictures so I can't show you, but trust me when I say he was really good.
Waiting for Elvis to start.

The kids are back to their sports practices. I am helping coach L's volleyball team. The have made big improvements over the off season. We think we might have found another homeschool team that A can play on her senior year. She is excited. She loves playing, but was too old for the rec league. T is on a new basketball team with his friends and loves it. They announce the players before games and he gets to run through a tunnel. He thinks that is super cool.
Apparently capturing T running through the tunnel was too hard for my daughter, so here is the tunnel.

A has just begrudgingly started drivers ed. She would be fine never getting her license, but I want her to be able to drive herself to practices and such, especially since this new team she might get on practices 2 hours twice a week. I can't believe I have another one this old. Where does the time go?

We have had a lot of rainy nasty weather lately. The backyard is like a marsh and the horse pen is just a straight up mud pit. I hate black  clay. It gets so slick and muddy with barely any water and we received 5 inches of rain last week and 3 inches of snow so you can imagine what we have to wade through to get out there. Good thing everyone received new boots for Christmas. They have definitely been appreciated. It is going to take about 4 hours to clean the horses once it dries a little bit. They both are COMPLETELY covered in crunchy mud. They are having a field day getting dirty. I am pretty sure not one white patch remains on either of them. The rain also has been reactivating Maisy's skunk smell which makes the wet weather even more fun. I am beginning to think we will never be able to get out the skunky smell!
T loves the snow.

It was pretty, but unexpected. The weatherman had said MAYBE a flurry or two. He' s almost never right lately.

T actually came out to help with the morning animal chores. The kids almost never help with morning chores!

The footprints represent the mud and sludge directly underneath the nice white snow.

This is BEFORE they took their mud baths.

He only came out because of the snow, but I appreciated the help. My fingers were frozen!

They know to follow the food.

Gwen is looking fantastic on her diet. I think Iris is taking some of Gwen's portion.

You can see the streaks of snow coming down hard. T asked if this was what a blizzard was like. I said, "Yes, In Texas."

Maisy had fun too!

I think I need an intervention. This is just what's in my bathroom storage. This doesn't include the 5 soaps, 6 body washes, 4 lotions that are already out or what is stored in the trailer AND the girls bathroom. At least I only shop sales.

T made dinner from his John Wayne cookbook again. I am liking this new interest in cooking.


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