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The Bunch Grow by 2 and Celebrate Thanksgiving!



C decided that it was FINALLY time to ask his long time love to marry him! I have long referred to her and her daughter as my daughter-n-law and granddaughter.  Now, it is really official! It was very sweet. He called to inform us all of his plan before he did it. He took her to a nice restaurant by the Star in Frisco and then proposed by the lights of the Christmas decorations. We are very happy for them and love that something good came out of 2020, though she would probably liked a heads up to remove her mask!

We are so happy for them!

He picked out a beautiful ring.

C by far had the most interesting news of the week. The rest of us had a more uneventful week. We decided to put the tree up early because why not. It makes us happy and we all need more happiness this year. One week before Thanksgiving our tree is up and anxiously awaiting the packages that were ordered to be lovingly wrapped and placed under it. We celebrated our Thanksgiving dinner on Weds. this year since D had to work on Thanksgiving. It was yummy and I made sure we had plenty of leftovers for the next day. We had big plans to watch the parade and dog show. I also made sure everyone did some cardio before we stuffed ourselves and sat still a bunch. Most of us opted to do a kick boxing class (really should be called a kick butt class) and T rode the stationary bike at a high intensity for 30 minutes.
We also decorated our annual gingerbread houses. 

T and L work on their gingerbread houses.

T gets his pumpkin ready for me to bake.

We watched the dog show with our dog.

A worked on her gingerbread house too, which later broke and she frustratingly declared she hates gingerbread houses.
The girls watched the parade twice since they were so excited the Hamilton cast was performing.

Dinner was yummy.

T "waiting" for his turn to get the warm items.

D doing the customary turkey carving.

Happy Thanksgiving!
The pre-work out shot.

Aren't they cute exercising together?

T prefers to be able to watch tv while he exercises.

It was nice to finally be able to move around and exercise because for about 5 days this week I could barely move. We had gone to the farm store for feed. Basically feed day is a heavy lifting day. I get (2) 40# bags of chicken pellets, (1) 50# bag of chicken scratch, (1) 50# bag of horse pellets, (2) 50# bags of sand and (1) 40# bag of topsoil. The dirt is for the chickens dust bath which serves two purposes: 1. helps keeps mites off of them and 2. most importantly keeps them from digging up a dust bath in some random place in my yard. As you can see, it is a lot of lifting. Not really that big of deal, and it wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back (so to speak). My dog is constantly by my side. I have posted pics of her lovingly waiting for me to finish feeding the horses. It's what we do. She goes with me out to feed the animals, waits by the gate, and walks back with me. What did me in was on my way back from the horse pen to the house after feeding the animals I noticed the kids left the gate open and the chickens had wandered into the main yard. At this point Maisy, my psycho bunny killing machine, had not noticed. We don't keep a collar on the dog. She likes to scratch,  collar jingles, we go insane. Therefore, she is not wearing a collar. She is what we refer to as a "well-loved" dog. That's code for really fat and heavy. I know if she sees the chickens that the result will be less than ideal. Remember L just lost her most favorite chicken so I really didn't want the dog to get the rest. So I give the dog a big bear hug and screamed really loudly for the kids. Now, I am over an acre away from my house. My house is south from me and the wind was about 25 mph on this day FROM THE SOUTH. Basically, my kids won't hear me no matter how long I yell. My neighbor did though who was outside! The dog at this point thinks I am mad at her and starts playing dead weight so I can't carry her. Basically, I decided to carry a 65# dog, who has gone limp and is completely dead weight, while screaming hysterically for the kids while my neighbor is yelling at me to see if I need help. T finally came out to put up the chickens by the time I finished lugging a 65# dead weight dog the full acre to the house. No chickens were killed in the making of this story, but my back in no uncertain terms told me I was stupid and made sure every movement was agonizing for a few days. The kids really stepped up to do things for me though. They were really sweet. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving!



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