My son🤷💓 |
Last week with the down time was nice. We decorated the inside and outside for Christmas, got the majority of our holiday shopping done, and had time to plan some fun things for the upcoming weeks. We had kind of a crazy week with 5 basketball games, but luckily every single one of them was in my hometown, though a wreck on one of the days did make it take 30 minutes to go 10 miles. Since everything was pretty crazy around T's birthday we never really took him out with a friend to celebrate so this week we took him and a friend to the trampoline park, out for lunch, and then they just hung out at our house and played video games. T had such a good time! He doesn't have very many times a year that he is able to just hang out with friends, and basketball stuff DOESN'T count. These days everyone has so much going on that it is almost impossible to schedule time to just hang out with friends. In fact, T had to have fun during the day because we had basketball practice in the evening. This week we just have 2 practices and one game and I am so looking forward to the downtime. I need to get Christmas stuff finished.
A brought a week old kitten home for us to help take care of. The kitten was part of a litter that a mommy cat under observation at A's work had. Unfortunately, the mommy cat ate all the babies but this one. All the vet techs and veterinarians have been taking turns taking care of it. Not only does it have to eat every two hours morning and night, but it also needs to stay warm on its heating pad and must have a warm cotton ball rubbed on it in order to pee and poop. I never knew this, but for the first three weeks of a kitten's life the mommy licks it for it to use the bathroom. We use a warm cotton ball before we feed it. Even with 3 of us taking turns feeding it, after 2 nights we were exhausted and ready for the next person to get their turn! However, it came here weighing 6.5 ounces and was returned to work a day and a half later weighing 8.5 ounces! What can I say, we show our pets love, love, love! We had the past three nights baby free so the next two nights it's our turn again. L is excited. She loves bottle feeding it though not necessarily the getting up throughout the night.
My husband found some beautiful flowers at the store and surprised me with them. |
Me at 2am trying to breath through a cat, but not wanting to move her because she is so cute. |
Our little baby 🍼 |
If I didn't know it was a kitten I probably wouldn't be completely sure what it was! |
The picture we wanted. |
How most of them turned out 😂 |
We had fun playing at the park. |
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