Obviously, now that my kids are all pretty much grown Valentine's isn't as big of deal to them. However, in keeping with tradition, not to mention the fact T still wanted out of school for the day, we still had a mini party. I told them that this year I wasn't going to get them any candy, normally I get balloons and special treat for each of them, but this year I just wasn't feeling it so I decided I would buy them all pizza (a treat since I rarely allow pizza) and I had some little Bundt cakes to celebrate with. They all said they were fine with that. L doesn't really do sweets, A doesn't like chocolate, and T doesn't like truffles, but they all like pizza. We took the day off and fortunately didn't have any basketball related stuff. No practice, no games, a rare no basketball day. We watched a movie, played some minute to win it games, and just basically enjoyed a nice low key day. I remember the old days when they were little and we would all make cards for each other and they would go to the dollar store to spend their hard saved allowance on something for everyone. It was sweet and makes for great memories. Sometimes I miss the old days, but I am also excited for this new time in our life when it's not all about the kids all the time. I miss the young days, but I am ready for the next chapter. I am at peace with it.
We played a couple of different minute to win it games with ping pong balls ( actually they are beer pongs because they were cheaper 😂) |
We had to bounce the ball off the wall and have it land in the lid. This is harder than it sounds. |
L beat us at most of the games, but D won this one by A LOT! |
I made heart pancakes for breakfast ❤️ |
We also went to celebrate my mother's birthday this week. It was just L, T, and me since her birthday was on a day that both D and A had to work. It was also the only day we had available all week that didn't have something basketball related on it. It worked out. We brought her some burgers she likes and I made a fruit cobbler. It was fun to go and see them. It makes me appreciate the fact that because we homeschool that we are able to pack up and go visit family during the traditional work day to celebrate special days. T swears one day that he's going to beat Grandpa at Madden(football video game)! He never has and he complains that anytime he is winning that we have to leave and he doesn't get to finish their game so technically he hasn't beat Grandpa yet. I am glad he has such a great time playing with Grandpa. He'll have wonderful memories of his childhood when he grows up. Both him and L are going to visit with them again next week while D and I are down the street at D work's annual banquet. The kids should have a nice time.
🎉Happy Birthday Grandma! We love you!!❤️❤️ |
The end of this week is Regionals. Unfortunately, since we tanked at District we dropped 2 seeds and now have to play the number 2 team overall. I know we did awesome at State, but that unfortunately doesn't work into seeding for Regionals. However, if we do well again at regionals it will effect our seeding for Nationals. It's confusing I know. This week is a THREE day tournament. Luckily, it is in Frisco so we don't have to travel overnight and as a bonus D took off so he is taking T so L and I can stay home and L can work on school. It feels so weird to NOT be at a tournament for T. I haven't missed one day at any tournament in the last 3 years! I am both enjoying not hearing all the whistles, balls, and shoe squeaking and feeling a little sad I am not there watching how he is doing. We just have 2 weeks until Nationals and then this season is over. I am excited for Nationals, not really for the basketball, but because I love MO. This year hopefully the weather will stay nice and we can do some of the things I wanted to do last year that were outside, but it was too cold to do.
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