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The Bunch Get Axl Fixed And Work On Getting All The Animals To CoExist


Axl is so big!! Not much can make T look small!

We have turned into THAT house. You know the one: complete chaos, animals running around EVERYWHERE, and about 18 projects going, each which is only half way done. I have yet to figure out why at the most stressful and crazy part of the year, we keep adding on extra stress by taking on more animals. Actually, I do know why. I can't NOT help something in need. Last year A , L, and I took on taking care of a newborn MiMi. We took turns feeding her and getting her to use the bathroom EVERY two hours. Even with the three of us and being able to get 6 hours of sleep in a row ( since we took turns), it was the LONGEST 5-6 weeks. We were exhausted. Of course, looking back on it, it was really a short period of time and we couldn't imagine our lives without her. She has such a big personality; it has been a little hard for her to temporarily take a back seat to the new dog, who T decided to name Axl. Axl went from a free roaming, mostly stray dog, to a completely indoor dog who is only allowed limited bathroom breaks on a leash as he recovers from his surgery. We have to wait at least 14 days for him to be able to go on walks or run around the yard. He, unfortunately, can jump over our 5 ft fence. Yes, he is super gigantic. He makes Maisy look like a little dachshund. He is also too big for the crate that our other big dogs used. They were both over 100 lbs, which is a good 20 lbs more than Axl, but Axl is so much taller and longer than they were.  I am scared how big he will end up being after he gains his much needed weight. He has already gained over a lbs. We also discovered he has separation anxiety. While being caged at A's work, he brought his leash through the door (which was actually the horse's lead line) and chewed through it plus all the paperwork that had been hanging on the front of the cage. Let's just say A had a big mess to clean up before she brought him home. Fortunately, unlike Maisy, he is only anxious when someone isn't with him. As long as one of us is here, he's fine. He also isn't anxious around other animals AT ALL. He just nervous chews. He turned my 2x4 that I used to mark my sprinkler head into a stick after we left him chained up for a couple of hours. We have ordered him the largest possible crate we could find, our donkey could probably fit in it, but it's not here yet. So basically, someone has to babysit him at all times. As I write this my family is at church and I am watching Axl happily sleeping on the floor and Maisy sleeping on the couch next to me. Speaking of which, Maisy has made great strides. Her anxiety meds have really mellowed her out and she tolerates the bigger dog now. I am glad the new dog is so calm. It has really helped immensely that he doesn't react to other animals at all. We are fairly certain he is a Maremma sheepdog and I know they are bred to help care for your farm animals so maybe that's just the breed's temperament, but it is so nice to have such a calm long as someone is around him 24/7. A says he has a lot of demands for a stray! His crate should be here later today and I really hope it is. I have Christmas plans that require us to leave the house as a family.

He didn't know what was going on. Poor fellow! He just knew he didn't feel well.

The cats were very helpful getting his bed ready for him when he came home.

Both the dogs have been on leashes in the the house....just in case,but mostly because we're worried Maisy will rip out his stitches 

Everyone is getting a little tired of it, but Maisy is doing really well with her new drugs.

This week A and I went to see Wicked. It was phenomenal! I thought I would like it since I loved the musical we saw back in 2020, but even after only 5 minutes it blew my expectations out of the water! We really enjoyed it. In keeping with Axl can't be left alone, we went to a fairly early morning show and the boys went to see Gladiator 2 later in the afternoon so someone would be here with the dog. The boys really liked their show as well. In fact, they seemed to think it was even better than the first. We also are almost finished repainting the front of the house. D has a second coat he still needs to put on part of it, but should be able to finish tomorrow and then we'll finish painting the back in the spring.

Yep. We wore our pink and green to the movies and got our Wicked theme drinks from Starbucks. We're ready!

I didn't notice until later that Elphaba was caressing my cheek😂 

Great News the big crate just showed up!!! I will let you know how crate training goes!

Maisy is doing fine so now they're both free. Wish me luck!


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