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The Bunch Go See Christmas Lights & Go With C To The Emergency Room

 These past few weeks have been a little crazy. A few weeks ago C went to the emergency room because he thought he was having a heart attack. He had been complaining about an irregular heart beat for a couple months, but this time it not only landed him in the emergency room, but also admitted him to the hospital. The cardiologist had said if he was 60 and not 31 they would have put a pacemaker in immediately and called it a day, but since he is so young he wanted him to go to an electrophysiologist to see if there were any other viable options. He had to wear a heart monitor for a month, only to be told that they want another 2 weeks of a monitor with him not on any medication to get a more accurate reading and see if the meds were causing his highs to be better, but his lows to be way lower than they actually were. He, of course, has had a few incidents since then, but on the night we were going to meet him and H to go eat and look at Christmas lights he had another pretty major episode. Just sitting in the car his heart rate increased to about 150 and lasted for almost 15 minutes. He started coughing uncontrollably, became extremely nauseous, started sweating profusely, and looked completely ashen. Needless to say, he went right to the emergency room where, unfortunately, they basically told him to suck it up buttercup because until the cardiologist is ready to either put the pacemaker in (which he will definitely need at some point if not right now) or an abrasion, they can't do anything unless he becomes unresponsive. Basically, they are ensuring if something happens to my son my lawyer will have additional lawsuits to address. I am mad enough about the child groomer, if someone kills my child I will show no mercy in my pursuit of justice. 

C is basically not able to drive, to do pretty much anything, or be left alone at all. Someone always has to be with him just in case he has an episode. He is so tired and frustrated with feeling so bad. It took us years to get a diagnosis for his malfunctioning gallbladder when he was a kid so I can only imagine having to go through all this brings back how incompetent he probably feels doctors are. They will hopefully decide mid-January what avenue they want to take. It's hard to see your kids go through things like this and not be able to help make it better. We can just pray.

After we learned he was going to be discharged from the Emergency Room we decided to go see the lights we planned on seeing anyways, but the excitement was definitely gone and replaced with the melancholy of the situation. We have been crate training Axl and he "WAS" doing very well. Once again we put him in his crate, locked the crate door, turned on a light and some music for him to feel like he had some company and went out for a few hours to have dinner and see the lights. When we came home Maisy happily greeted us at the door, but imagine our surprise when Axl stuck his head around her to greet us at the door too! I cannot explain the horrors that flashed through my mind. Did the cats survive? Did the tree? Did my house? How in the heck did he get out of his locked crate? Imagine when we walked inside and our living room was EXACTLY like we left it. The tree was standing and had twinkling lights on it. No torn up couch. Two kitties alive and well. Nothing wasn't as it should be. I was so proud of him! Maybe he could just be free with the others and do fine......AND THEN we went to see how he escaped. What greeted us first was a huge hole that had been dug up in our hall carpet and the shredded padding. Luckily, this turned out to be the only real damage, but we have no idea why he wanted in A's room so bad. She usually closes her door to keep the cats out and he  NEVER goes in there. He somehow managed to collapse an entire wall of his cage to escape.... don't worry though the crate door was still locked. 😂 We have since put a ton of zip ties on it to prevent that from happening again. So far so good. As for the huge hole in our carpet, we put a rug over it and I have been wanting to get rid of the carpet since we moved in. Maybe this will finally be the year.

Us on the way to dinner and lights with C&H

The drive thru lights are always spectacular!

The before shots

We were a little more subdued after the Emergency Room, but felt a little better knowing he was discharged and not needing emergency surgery.

A got D & I a kit to make a cast of our hands.

We had a wonderful anniversary.

He dug out the carpet, the padding, and bleed all over, probably from the carpet tacks.

The boys couldn't even beat their game they play at the Cracker Barrel.

D was so excited about his birthday! He couldn't wait!😂

He really wanted this for our Solo Stove. It really helps distribute the heat.

T got him a shirt for his birthday. The Princess Bride is his favorite movie.

Aunt P got D a boxing game. You put on a headband that has a foam ball dangling from it and using your hand eye coordination to keep hitting the ball.

T loves it. All I hear is..thud...thud...thud...dang it. Thud..thud..thud..... dang it. For hours on end. He keeps telling me I LOVE Dad's toy!!! Thanks P.

I told him you can't tell he's smiling with his beard unless he shows teeth. He showed teeth and I can tell he's smiling!

My parents braved all the construction to come celebrate Christmas with us. 

Unfortunately, A had to work, but we made sure to tell her all about it and she opened her gifts when she got home.

Me and Mom

Me and Dad. I am finally getting better at the selfie thing!


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