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The Bunch Continue with the Chicken Saga

Well, we did it the chickens moved outside to their coop. At only three weeks they were a little young, but since it stays about 80 for the low at night, they should be fine. Unfortunately, about 3 days after moving them outside we had a huge storm blow through.  And I mean it blew, about 50 mph winds, and rained about 3 inches in one hour. Good news was the tarp we put on top to provide shade from the sun stayed put, but filled up with about a million pounds of water. The chickens, who had taken to laying on the ground in a sleep pile, are apparently inherently stupid and even as the water rose around them putting them neck high in water,  decided to stay put so D and I had to brave the storm and literally wade through ankle high water out to the coop to rescue them. We brought them inside for the rest of that night so we could put the heat light on them until the dried out, but now two things have happened, 1.) we replaced the tarp with a metal roof and 2.) I have to go put the chicks to bed EVERY night at 8:45pm, though last night the majority of them FINALLY went in by themselves and I just put the youngest 3 up.  Now at just over 4 weeks, they are learning to walk the plank into the coop at night and ALL of them can get down in the morning. The first couple of mornings they waited for me to get them out and I was not going to put them to bed each night AND take them out each morning. They have completely cured the coop of bugs and I love it. I can't wait until they are bigger and can roam the yard.
The girls, though I think a few are boys, are getting bigger.

One of the younger 3......pretty sure she is a rooster.

The finished coop....complete with metal roof. We are ready for the next down pour.

A is done with volleyball and had fantastic playoff games. They lost, but just barely. It was a fight to the end. It was one of those games that is just fun to be a spectator at. My mother in law's throat was sore  from yelling so much and so was mine. It was fun. I am glad she came out her shell and found out she liked playing sports. My youngest daughter wants to play now. I am all for practice and games NOT being outside in the Texas heat. However, my youngest boy wants to do soccer this fall. He hates running and I do not look forward to watching in 100 degree weather, but I am willing to do it if he wants to try it........wish there was a boy's volleyball team. I will miss you air conditioning!
A relaxing after her mile run.

Enjoying a swim in the afternoon heat.

School starts back in one week! I have started this past two weeks not allowing processed foods in the house. No cereal, granola bars, yogurt, bread, or pretty much anything that is made at a factory. We have been driving to a local meat market for our meats, making our own peanut butter and  jellies, and our own bread. I say we, but mean me. I have really made things hard on myself. I never leave the kitchen! I am either making bread or biscuits or jellies. I even make my own pasta sauce with the fresh herbs I grow. However, I do buy the pasta.....somethings are just too much. I am curious now how all this kitchen time will work after school starts.  I see a lot of rice in our future! I feel so much better after cutting out processed foods, but making a meal is no small feat. I need to stop watching food documentaries on Netflix.
A and L digging a hole and filling it with water......right next to the lake.

L looking for minnows and A still digging on her hole.

T is just  having fun in the water.

L and I leaving to celebrate her AB honor roll for the whole year!

We indulged in expensive hot chocolate...for her no dairy for me. :(

We ate a vegan cinnamon roll that was so good I would order it even if I could have dairy! Forgot to take a pic until the last bite. It was worth EVERY penny.

D cutting the cheese. ;)....Best homemade cheese EVER!


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