Well, that time is already upon us again....back to school. In no time at all I should be having nightmares about the slope intercept formula and the periodic table. This is only our first week and so far it has gone fairly smooth, but I fully anticipate harder days as the weeks go on. Our summer flew by and other than the chicken coop and our visit to Nebraska, I am not real sure what we did.
You always worry when your son asks to put on make up, but it turned out ok. |
We still haven't taken the camper any farther than my father in laws, but I am starting to get the smallest inkling of the travel bug so maybe in the fall we will take a vacation. It will most likely only be a week and a short trip at that. I know that no one is ready for a long trip still. Our month long trip last fall has cured everyone of their wanderlust. We have great memories and really enjoyed ourselves, BUT there was so much driving! I promised the kids never for a month again so I think a week will be sufficient for our first trip out. I think all the space at our new house has also contributed to our lack of desire to go gallivanting the countryside. It is hard to desire getting away from it all when you are away from it all, all the time. I have picturesque views out my windows. We see all sorts of animals, birds, retiles, and insects. There is not a lot we have to get away to see. We also discovered on our trip we do not like the desert. Sorry southern California and Phoenix. You are lovely to look at, but so dusty and dirty I do not want to visit again. I think our next long trip will be up the east coast.....oops did I just say that?
Don't you want to ask her how Sebastian is and if the sea witch gave her voice back? |
Hers is more subtle, more egg plant. It is pretty. |
The girls were busy before school started by getting their hair ready. Apparently all kinds of abnormal colors are all the rage. My eldest daughter picked magenta and the other picked purple. These are wash out dyes. You know what that means? It means my bath tub has never been cleaner because after EVERY time they shower they have to bleach the tub back out because their dye colors it. It means I have never been more mad than when their hair was being dyed and they completely coated the shower, the walls, and shower liner with pink. It means they will never again dye their hair super bright colors. It did look fun when they were done, but the mess was horrible. In fact, my youngest just informed me we need more tile cleaner for the bathroom.
One fun thing did happen to my eldest. She won the grand prize drawing at the library for their summer reading program. She won a bunch of stuff from Dominos and some trampoline park passes. This is fantastic because guess what we will be doing in two weeks to celebrate her birthday? That's right, we will be using her winnings for her party. I love it when life works out.
D has been busy in this horrible humidity putting gates on the fences. We have been meaning to do it for awhile, but we now finally have time. This summer "technically" has been cooler than almost any other summer, but with the heat index from all the humidity we have feel like temperatures around 108. I do like the unusual rain fall we have had. 6 inches of rain in Texas in July and already 3 for August is EXTREMELY unusual. Everything hasn't turned summer brown yet. The trees and grass still look like it is May. It is so green still that it feels weird. We have sweat our way through all of our outside chores and I look forward to the drier air in a couple of months. That and I am tired of constantly washing the dog's muddy feet.
Sadly, this isn't the last thing we need to do to the chicken area. |
Another storm rolling in. This actually went around us. Thank goodness. |
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