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The Bunch Get a Lyra Hoop and Move the Babies in with the Big Girls Full Time.

This week was mostly a get things done around the house week. Apparently, nearly 3 months of quarantining wasn't enough. First off, the garden in the compost area has just gone crazy. I have probably the world's largest single watermelon plant! I'm not kidding.I I bought one little plant at Lowe's, planted it in the compost pile that had only rested a few months, expected it to die, and was completely surprised when not only did it not die, but became steroidal. The plants I planted are about 10  times the size of the ones T planted in the front yard. After this harvest, we are going to mix several wheel barrows of compost in with his garden for next year. He is growing things, just not as big or as many as mine. He is really excited to see the fruits of his labor. He proudly shows off his 3  green beans, one pepper, one jalepeno, one tomato, and 5 corn. I am super happy that he will get some things. I hope the okra and cantaloupes grow too. If I really do get the 200 watermelons I am currently expecting, everyone I know will get at least 2!

The girls are beyond happy. The Lyra they ordered to practice their aerial arts on finally arrived. D and I ( ok mostly D) built them a 9 ft tall stand for them to hang it on. It wasn't the easiest thing to hoist a 2x6x12 ft board up 9 feet in the air without a crane, but D, T, and I managed it without too many problems. We are also going to use the posts as cross ties for the horses when they get their feet trimmed. That way D might not hurt his shoulders so much when he tries to hold the donkey still. Gwen is not fond of her pedicures. 
They practice for about an hour every night except now they are super sore so they are taking a few days off.

They absolutely LOVE ❤️ it. It makes up for not being able to go to aerial class at the gym.

A enjoys it too, but it makes her way more sore than L....that drives her crazy!

After what has felt like an eternity, the little baby chicks are now full grown teenage hens ( there has been ZERO crowing). We are pretty confident we ended up with all girls. They are about 14 weeks old and by now A has usually been been awakened by a horrible "I am trying to make my first crow" sound if we have any roosters. I am not kidding. When a rooster first starts trying to crow it sounds like they are gargling rocks. It is horrible. I associate it with nails on a chalkboard ( you older folks will get that analogy...younger folks just go back to your dry erase board and ponder what must have been simpler times in the olden days). A is lucky enough to have her window right next to the coop so if someone starts to crow, she will know. The little silkies mature a lot slower than normal chickens so we won't know about them until the end of the year. They are so small and cute though! 
Fluffy is by far the smallest one. She is one third the size of the other babies and one fifth the size of our older girls.

Anna is the other silkie and she is slightly larger than Fluffy....I hope that doesn't mean she is a roo. L would be crushed.

Speckles is the one we found almost 2 years ago nearly drowned in a ditch in front of the grocery store. She gets really jealous of the attention the babies get and can be very mean to them. We have to watch her!
Presley is very interested in cameras and yes there is an Elvis. Guess who they belong to? 


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