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The Bunch Start Post Quarantine Week#12

We were ready and excited to go do something!

Oh, the post quarantine life. We now expect face masks, social distancing, and limited opportunities to leave the house.  However, things are slowly becoming a little more normal. We ventured out to Oklahoma this week (ok maybe it isn't really venturing since Oklahoma is only 30 miles away, but it was an adventure). We headed north to visit Arbuckle Wilderness, a drive thru safari park. While Glen Rose's Fossil Rim Wildlife Park is a lot bigger and more structured, this one was about an hour closer. It only took us about an hour to get there and luckily as we got in line to buy our tickets D realized that  we needed gas. We left and went to the nearest gas station called Arbuckle Mountain. They are also apparently well known for their fried pies. I generally hate all fried food, but just the delicious smells we smelled as we walked through the store to use the bathroom made me decide I would relent and let the kids buy some to try.  They had both sweet and savory pies. We all chose to get the sweet this time (vanilla, coconut, Dr. Pepper, and chocolate cream) since it wasn't quite lunch time. Oh, my were they fantastic! They were really the best tasting fried pies ever! I even loved them and I have never ever liked ANY fried pie. I really want to go back just to try their breakfast pies with eggs and bacon or maybe the lunch pies with ham. There are so many options.
If you are ever in Davis, Oklahoma and see this sign..STOP.  You will not regret it.

It had a personality all its own.

It had several cute picture opportunities.

This was my favorite!

After our surprise pie find and filling up with gas, we were ready to head back to the park. It was a little busier than before we left, but not too bad. The best place to go in a pandemic is a drive thru wildlife park.  We bought our tickets and some food to feed the animals and our adventure began. They really should let you know that the bigger (and hungrier) animals are at the end of the park so that way you wouldn't use all your food up on the first half. Basically , we fed mostly the mini donkeys, alpacas, and geese our food. The animals definitely associate cars with meals so it can be tricky to not run them over. There was several times I had to hang out the window to make sure that all the animals were out of the way. The camels and buffalo were a lot more aggressive and would try to rip the cup from your hands. We ended up rolling the windows up through this part because they were quite aggressive with sticking their heads in the car. All and all it was a really fun day and it felt great to get of the house and go do something. The kids had said all week that they were glad to be able to look forward to doing something. The next adventure is to go out camping for a couple of days. We can't go too far because of the riots. D was told he has to be close enough to work just in case he gets called in to help.  Hopefully all this stupidness will end soon. Violence won't bring change.
Have a happy week!
They did have a white tiger, but no lion. They also had an enormous black rhino...he was NOT loose!

These were one of the few that were locked up.

Mama and baby were really cute.

You had to hang on for dear life or the animals would steal your cup.

This beautiful buck was not fenced in.

They have a mini donkey explosion. They could use that lion to decrease the population.  They had at least a hundred mini donkeys.  They were so hard to get to move out of the way of the car! 

They had several alpacas too, but donkeys by far had the most.

This guy was by himself. He needed a friend.

We all had fun. It was a good day.

Alpacas were starting to get their haircuts. They looked like giant poodles.

This doe was really sweet.

And a polite eater.

The zebra had a run in with a skunk. We quickly moved on.

The camels were probably the most aggressive ones for food. It was a little scary. This is where the windows went up.


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