Celebrating his cousin's graduation....last pic with his long hair |
Is it possible to have a long short week? That is what we had this past week. It felt like we got a lot done, but also that it went by fast. This past week was suppose to be another fun camping weekend at Ft Richardson. This is our last weekend without 30 amp hook ups at the house. Yay! Luckily, it was cool enough I didn't need to turn the a/c on in the trailer before we left so everything went smoothly this time.
2020 the year of the virtual graduation celebration.
It rained a lot before we left for our trip. It causes us a lot of problems when we get excessive amounts of rain. The chickens end up getting wet or the horses have no where dry to stand and can hurt themselves sliding in the mud. We hate nothing more than excessive amounts of rain. Words cannot adequately describe how treacherous the horse pen is when we have had 4 or more inches of rain. Not only is it slippery and super muddy, but we need at least 5 full days of sun just to get it to dry up. Anyways, the land was already VERY soggy and we knew there was a chance of another shower while we were gone. We decided to go ahead and leave since we wouldn't be far. We enjoyed our evening after we arrived by swimming in the lake, grilling dinner, and watching a movie. However, around 2 am the storms moved in and unlike the weatherman promised they in fact did decide to just sit on top of us and dump rain. We decided to leave the next morning after breakfast. The area picked up another 3 1/2 " of rain. Fortunately, the horse has done fine with this last batch of rain. However, the mini donkey is having some trouble walking. I think after the farrier comes in a couple of days that she'll be fine. She was already due for a trim and then having to have her feet stay wet in all the mud just caused her to have some difficulty walking on her hooves. She can be sensitive if her nails get too long.
The baby chickens AKA "the babies" ( which is what they will be called for forever or until we get a new batch of babies) have acclimated to the big coop well and for the most part all the chickens are getting along and we still have heard NO crowing. Yay!
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