Happy Fall Ya'll |
Yay! We did it! One of our two silkies, having officially laid several eggs, is a girl! The other one is currently doing what we refer to as the egg squat and will most likely lay in the next two weeks. After 70% of our first batch of chicks were roosters, I must admit we didn't have high hopes for any others. However, we have picked all girls the past two batches and there will NOT be a third batch.
The first little silkie to lay an egg (her name is Fluffy) |
L was so excited to find the little egg. |
Small Silkie egg, normal baby size eggs, regular hen egg |
Anna is the the only one we are waiting for. She should lay any day now. |
One of our aunts was going through our beloved Memaw's things and found a circus train that she had loved. T is really into trains and so she shipped it to us. He had a lot of fun playing with it. It still needs a power source so we plan to order one and then T will really love it.
T really enjoyed checking everything out. |
He thought it was super cool that you have to turn the door knob to get the caboose to open. |
The horses are so cute. Ok, they are a lot of work, but they are really sweet. We enjoy watching them interact with each other and us.
She loves her big sister. |
Picture time before dinner was testing her patience. |
Gwen is always ready to fight back if Iris acts up during meal time. |
Maisy always waits for me right by the gate, even if it is open. She will just sit there no matter how long I take unless her little friend comes out to play. She is still completely crazy on walks, but her old age has turned her into an awesome dog when we are at home. |
They line up at the gate when they see me go feed the horses. They know they get treats whenever I come back. |
Pretty much most of our family celebrates birthdays within a month of each other so we had a big celebration. We celebrated Gigi's, Poppop's, T's, L's (since Gigi and Poppop hadn't done that yet), A's, and my birthday. Basically, we celebrated everyone but D's birthday. We also helped the grandparents get some things done around the house. We trimmed trees (oodles and oodles of trees) and helped them paint the fence and well house. We got lots done and had a great time visiting with them. We slept really well that night!
Pop pop |
D lighting our shared birthday cake |
Happy birthday to everyone, but D |
T, D and I worked on trimming all the trees. |
This is actually a ditch completely filled with all our tree limbs. |
The girls painted the fence. |
And the well house.
The girls apparently had more down time than we did! |
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