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The Bunch Start Week 4 of School and Celebrate T's Birthday

We celebrated birthdays with my parents.

 Let's just say it. This year sucks. I couldn't agree more with the Taco Bueno commercial. No one can see anybody or do anything and it is wearing on everyone's nerves. We try to follow the recommended guidelines for our state, but it is really upsetting when we are out and we see so many people not following the guidelines. Covid is here and people are scared. Let's try to not be selfish. A little inconvenience for a year really isn't any huge deal. 

My parents keep their house below zero. 

It rained 6 inches in an hour. The road we were on flooded out. It was the scariest drive. I took this before it flooded. I was too concerned with dying and forgot to take flooded pictures.

My mom likes to celebrate everyone's birthday.

In trying to follow the recommendations of the CDC, for the first time in about 17 years, we are not having our large Labor Day party where we celebrate two kids birthdays. It feels very strange not to be worried about party preparations, but also oddly relaxing. I miss seeing our friends and family, but it does take a fair amount of stress away by not having a party. We will still cook out, but there will be way less things on the grill. In contrast to my very active birthday, T decided he wanted to celebrate his birthday by playing new Wii games all day and pretty much eating the day away. So that is what we did and he loved every second of it. I can't believe my baby is 12! Where does time go? T has grown like a weed during quarantine. He is now taller than both his older sisters and only half an inch away from being as tall as me and I am a rather tall woman at 5' 8.5". He has also outgrown 2 shoe sizes in the last 6 months and now wears a size bigger than D. No one would ever believe that he is only 12! Both T and A can now run a mile faster than D. However, D has been working on fixing that glitch so we'll see next month if the 2 kids are still faster. L runs like me. Just an average pace and steady both up and downhill. Not that I can run anymore thanks to my hip issues, which were probably caused by years of running too much. I wish I could run though. I loved running and miss it. However, I trek on with my 2 mile a day plus walk. Tomorrow I think I might put the horse in her boots and take her on my walk. We'll see how that goes. Wish me luck.

We have about 8 hummingbirds that visit. They come all day long and are so fun to watch.

The more established birds just plop down and drink. The lower birds flutter while drinking and come and go quickly.

T's big day.

He loves Superman.

He also loves video games.

Maisy is always helpful.

His big day of eating all day and playing video games

He wanted a cookies and cream ice cream cake.

It was a good day.

So far so good on the chickens. Everyone is a girl. We only have two that haven't laid yet, but they don't look like roosters and haven't crowed yet so I think we lucked out again in getting all hens. The horse I think is finally turning the corner with her lameness. It has been almost 3 months since she has had any tender footedness at all. She literally gallops around the yard and can quickly walk over to the food barn before I can shut the door. The donkey as it turns out did not have laminitis, a serious chronic lameness that the horse has. She had an abscess, like a pimple on their foot, and once it drained she was fine. However, I am back to their strict diet again since they both have gained a little weight back. Iris, the horse, gets super irritable the first few days of her diet. She is just like a human doing a sugar detox. It isn't pretty. Yesterday, she flipped out and chased me up the fence because she didn't get what she thought she should for dinner. Basically, she only had her hay and no treats and she expressed her displeasure by galloping towards me. I don't play around when a 1200 lbs beast is coming at me full throttle so I climbed the gate. She calmed down after her tantrum, but it will get your adrenaline pumping.

This weekend we will celebrate A's birthday. Not exactly sure what she has planned, but I'll let you know next week. Take care everyone. We love you.


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