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The Bunch Celebrate A's 17th Birthday


This was the last week of D's vacation. He left work almost 2 weeks ago when it was 106. He went back to work and today's high is 70. He was pretty happy with that. Overall, this summer wasn't too bad. It got really hot for a few days here and there, but mostly it was a mild summer, for Texas anyway. We are really looking forward to fall here. We are making the most of the cooler weather and even have our fall scented Bath and Body Works candles burning. It was strange to not have our annual Labor Day party this year. We still grilled some hot dogs and hamburgers and our oldest son came for a visit. Our Aunt and a family friend also stopped by for a quick visit. It was nice. We miss seeing everyone together though. Hopefully, we can spend time together next year. Christmas will definitely feel strange this year. 

The Boys .......and yes T at 12 is taller than C at 27. T is going to be a giant!

B and L enjoying spending time with people they don't see everyday.

We also celebrated A's birthday. She just turned 17 and is starting her senior year. I can't believe we made it. I thought when we first started homeschooling we would probably stop around high school, but we never really reached a point where we had to do that. Don't get me wrong, we had our fair share of tears, but overall it was a good experience and it made us so much closer as a family. Next year without her will definitely be different. Once again thanks to Covid, we had a nice low key birthday celebration for her. She just wanted to go shopping at this cute little boutique in downtown Denton and check out the used book store. She also wanted to watch Hamilton on the large tv with the surround sound. She has the soundtrack to Hamilton that she always plays when she drives us around so basically now I can put an image to all the songs I've heard. I thought it was okay, but the girls absolutely LOVE Hamilton. I thought King George was pretty funny , but the whole movie is basically one song and I am not big on musicals. It was a fun day though and she thoroughly enjoyed it....which was the point.

The Birthday Girl

Maisy loves to help

Why can't all 3 ever actually look at the camera at the same time?

While a little pricey, this boutique has some nice stuff.

We made her an eclair take....this century's version of an icebox cake.

She thinks it is funny to hold the chickens like babies.

Her favorite little "baby"....Anna


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