My sweet husband picked some flowers from the pasture to brighten my day with. |
In not a completely surprising turn of events, the Bunch have contracted the infamous Covid 19. We are not really sure if the girls brought it back with them from prom or if D picked it up at work, but it has been making the rounds. L was the first to feel bad about 4 days after prom, but she is ALWAYS congested because of really bad allergies so with no fever and the fact she felt much better after 24 hours we didn't think much of it. D came home from work about 3 days after that and just looked horrible. He was super tired and went right to bed. The next morning he was super lethargic, congested, and felt just plain miserable so I took him to get a Covid test, just in case. He has a very sensitive gag reflex so sending a Q tip up to his thoughts almost made him throw up all over my car. It was very easy to get tested though and only took about half an hour to get through the line. Since all you hear about with Covid is you cough and have a fever, the fact he had neither made us pretty sure that it wasn't Covid, but lo and behold it was. Now, 5 more days later, both A and I also have symptoms. Not one of us has had a fever or really coughed more than a couple of times a day. I would describe it as having super bad allergies and blowing your nose a lot with the head fog of a cold. It also makes you VERY tired easily. After just making dinner and doing the dishes I had to have a two hour nap. Fortunately, T has remained completely symptom free so far. D has also lost all sense of smell and taste. He could not even smell the bleach I used to sanitize with. That is the only Covid related symptom we really have here. I hope the rest of us don't lose our sense of taste and smell! D's work will not allow him to retest until the 13th at the earliest. He can't go back to work until he tests negative. Luckily, he has multiple months of sick time saved up so we are fine for awhile with our finances. My mother was able to go pick up our groceries and drop them off at our house because we went into quarantine about 3 days before our bi monthly shopping trip so we were getting low on several things and unfortunately we are so far out in the country that no where will deliver fresh food. Our symptoms have been mild and we are very blessed that we are healthy enough to not have had it worse. I am also glad that most of our older family members are vaccinated so we don't have to worry as much about them contracting it from us, even though we are NOT seeing anyone now. If all goes according to plan, we should be out of quarantine before A's graduation and everything will work out just fine.
Our wonderful Aunt treated us to a nice lunch outside at Salt Grass before our illness. |
A couple of ducks decided to join us. They weren't as aggressive about food as the ones on the Riverwalk in San Antonio are. |
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