T made me feel extra special this Mother's Day. |
He had his snap circuits tell me he loves me. |
The girls made me beautiful cards too! |
L's card made me want a cinnamon roll! Too bad I wouldn't be able to taste it! |
It was a good day.....too bad I felt horrible and just laid on the couch and slept. |
T made me a pretty card too and also breakfast. He was very attentive. I think forced quarantine made him bored!! |
T even took over putting up sweet signs around the house for me that L had out grown doing. I loved it! |
Wow, what a difference a week makes. In Covid time, it feels like it has been about a year! T never did develop any symptoms. The girls felt tired and snotty for a couple of days, but then slowly rebounded. Now, they feel back to their normal selves. For the first couple of days, I felt ok, but then on days 4-8 I felt like someone ran over me, left me for dead, and then came back and ran me over again. D had a similar timeline to mine. That said, let me be clear. Unlike everything you hear from the CDC regarding Covid, the fever and cough everyone tries to attribute to being the FIRST step to knowing if you have Covid is wrong. Not once did anyone of us have a fever or cough. We may have sneezed occasionally, but we took our temperatures multiple times a day and not once did anyone have a temperature over 98.2. The only symptom we really had that everyone has talked about was the loss of taste and smell. We all (except for T who was never ill) experienced this. The girls lost their taste and smell for about 3 days. D lost his for about a week and it is just now slowly coming back a little. I still can't smell or taste anything. My salsa turned out to pasta sauce, my root beer was really a Dr Pepper, and apparently, the cantaloupe I wolfed down this morning thinking I was finally able to taste a little again was so bad that everyone else threw their pieces away. Everyone has been teasing me about my funny new symptom. It is " here, try this and tell me what it is" kind of fun that they seem to enjoy. I haven't been right yet. I am not sure why I am the only one who still cannot taste or smell, but I really hope it goes away soon. I miss tasting food!
When D first felt tired and his head was stuffy, he originally called the doctor, but the doctor was not in that day because he had jury duty so I took him to get a covid test just in case. That way we could start the waiting for the lab results. He went to the doctor the next day. The doctor said he didn't have covid symptoms and prescribed antibiotics for an ear infection and allergy meds for his bad allergies, which is completely believable since our neighbors cottonwood has been snowing all over our deck. If I had not taken him to get that test, we never would have known. His work is making D stay home until he tests negative. He can get tested every 10 days and after a third positive test, if he feels better, he can have a doctor clear him to go back to work. According to the CDC, since we had no fever or cough after 10 days we are not contagious and able to go back out in public. However, since his work makes D get tested and we are still positive, we are still quarantining. We have let the kids start going back out though. The point to the story is that Covid for us was like having really bad allergies with a ton of sinus pressure. Our heads hurt so bad for a few days that D and I pretty much woke up, moved the couch to sleep all day, and then went back to bed. It is hard to explain, but we just felt bad, like really bad. Our head hurt from all the pressure in our sinuses, we had no energy, we were achy, but never a cough or a fever. D just had his second positive result so in ten more days, we will get the third test and either it will be negative or D will go to the doctor to get medical clearance. I still get tired and winded pretty easily and, of course, can't taste or smell anything, but the sinus pressure has been lessening so I would say I feel about 65% of my old self. D says he feels about 90%.
We almost weren't able to make A's graduation, but according to the CDC we met all their guidelines about when we are no longer contagious, but just to be safe we stayed far away from people and wore our masks the entire time. I felt extremely rude trying to hide from all our friends that were trying to talk to us, but we weren't taking any chances. After just sitting there for about 4 hours, I was exhausted and had to come home and nap for a couple of hours. I was glad that A was able to attend though. She and one of her friends shared their senior table together. They each made a memory board with pictures and memoribila from trips and important events in their lives. My eldest son brought her a beautiful bouquet of roses. He and his finacee sat with my parents on the other side of the sanctuary from us. I mean it when I say we were hiding away from everyone though we weren't the sickest people there. There were a couple of people who were coughing and sneezing a lot. I wish we could have taken everyone out to lunch afterwards and celebrated together, but I guess that will come later.
We were outside on our own private patio for awhile. |
This was as close as they got without masks. We even wear our masks in the car with the kids. |
My baby girl is all grown up ❤️❤️ |
My son and his finance. This was as close as we got to our family...15 feet away. I was glad they at least came close enough for me to see them though. |
A walking to her seat to start her graduation! I am so proud!! |
All of her memories! It was fun to reflect on these. Since she put one up of T in a tutu she dressed him in, T says he will repay her when he does his graduation board! |
L is proud of her sister too. |
Of Course, a Hamilton themed graduation cap |
It was a good day. I am so happy she got experience it!! |
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