Last 3 days of school! |
Between an entire month of rain and dealing with being sick with Covid, we have amassed a huge amount of outdoor chores to do if it EVER stops raining. Our "grass", pretty sure it's mostly weeds, is about calve high. We did manage to get hay delivered for the horses during a brief rain break, which was way more important than mowing. However, slipping and sliding around while we tried to put it in the hay barn was not fun. In fact, it made our least favorite chore that much more undesirable. Plus the lingering Covid symptoms, the fatigue and shortness of breath, made it especially hard. However, we did it and now don't have to worry about it for another month. The only dry spot left in the entire yard is the back 2/3 of the horse's lean to.
My whole yard has standing water! |
And really needs to be mowed! |
D took his third and, hopefully, final Covid test yesterday. If this one is positive, he will go to the doctor tomorrow and get medical clearance to go back to work. He has been home for a month now and we discovered something. When he retires in 7 more years, as long as we aren't both horribly ill, we actually enjoy being around each other all the time. Once we stopped being miserably ill, it was nice to have someone to share my day with. We made dinner together, fed the animals, watched movies, etc. Except for the horrible illness, it was nice having him home so much. He is pretty much recovered. His smell and taste is mostly back. He just gets tired a little easier than before. I was so happy this morning. I was cleaning out the horse stall and could ever so faintly smell urine. Apparently, it was rather overpowering since D gagged when he came in there, but I was super happy to be able to almost smell anything for the first time in two weeks! I have been living in fear every time I let the dog out at night. Apparently, everyone else has noticed a skunk smell around our deck. It has been a couple of months since the last skunk came around so it was no surprise to us, but since I cannot smell, even a skunk, I have been so afraid of letting the dog out or accidentally walking up on it.....though it might make cleaning the dog easier if I can't gag from the skunk smell!
We have pretty much been sequestered at our house for the past month, and since it has rained pretty much everyday, we have been stuck inside. Our Aunt sent us a fun new toy to help pass the time. It is a movie projector and screen. We have had a lot of fun trying it out. I can't wait to take it camping and watch movies outside! The kids are planning sleepovers for this summer and want to watch movies on it with their friends. We have also played games and thought of fun things we want to go do when we get to leave the house again. We decided to use the fun jar again like last summer. We each write 5 things down we want to do and put it in the jar then on each day we have nothing to do we draw from the jar and do whatever it is that was drawn. The kids have been thinking of things all year that they thought would be fun and finished their fun jar entries already. D and I have to think about ours. I wish I would have been writing mine down like they did because now I can't remember anything I have mentioned!
This will be so much fun! |
L finished school already and the other two finish this Friday, then I am down to just 2 left to teach. L has 2 more years and baby T, who is now taller than D, has 5. L also started back to volleyball. A usually practices with them and it has been about 14 months since they played last. They were SO sore after their first practice that they said even their shins hurt! Their team unfortunately doesn't usually win because they play more elite club teams, but I think there might be a couple of rec teams this year so maybe they will get to win a game.
A has been practicing on the piano and occasionally her violin. |
L is doing an online mandatory course so she can be a camp counselor this summer. |
Baby Noelle is 8 months old. She is so big now we built her a new cat bed....she still tries to squeeze into her baby bed. |
Covid ruined our camping trip this month, but we plan on going next month. We have not decided where yet though....it will probably depend on availability.
Happy Summer!!
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