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The Bunch Birthday Week has Begun!


Finally, everyone gets it  or at least stopped fighting it!

In sticking with our normal tradition, we give pretty much free rein to the birthday person to decide what we do for the day. The birthday person can decide on the activity, food, and pretty much anything else for the day. This applies to both kids and adults. The only rule is that everyone has to do it and no one can complain about it. It kind of ruins the fun of your birthday activity if someone complains through it the whole time.

    The only thing the kids asked me this year was NOT to go on my normal birthday hike. They don't like getting up early, hiking in the Texas August heat and humidity, and at least one of them will complain about getting dirty and bugs.....However, it's my birthday so they can suck it up and go. I have always wanted to go to the Gainsville Farmer's Market. It is in an old outlet mall and has so many fun vendors and activities. I planned a 4.4 mile hike in the area and then we would finally go check out the farmer's market. Unfortunately, 2020 happened and this was a casualty so I changed my plans to a different park. I decided to do a 2.2 mile hike and to go to the Denton Market. I don't think it can technically be called a hike since the ENTIRE route was paved, but we had a nice family walk and saw several deer close up. In fact, a tiny fawn went right by us! Best of all, NO COMPLAINING! I stopped whenever I wanted to take pictures or look at something and they just had to stand there quietly until I was done. It was fantastic! They didn't even whine about being hungry, but I did have us stop at Sonic for breakfast on our way to the farmer's market and they let me know exactly how hungry they were then. In fact, I was shocked none of them had complained or asked about eating. I had planned on eating after the market, but it was already 10:30 am so I knew after our hike everyone would be ready to eat. 

D wasn't quite ready for our day of fun.

❤️❤️❤️All the kids made signs again ❤️❤️❤️

Apparently, even Noelle and Maisy wrote birthday wishes.

I would like to think they told me "Happy Birthday, but it was probably "I want my breakfast". 

We are always happy at the beginning of a hike.

He stayed with me the whole time 🥰❤️

One of many deer

The Denton Market was fun. They had several vendors and we bought everything from cantaloupe (we went from an all cantaloupe diet for two weeks to nothing so T and I had wanted some) to brazilan nut butter. It is all local produce and art. There was only about an hour left when we got there, but if you get there early there is a ton of stuff and we still found several things to buy including some homemade tamales we are excited to try. Afterwards, we came home and L made me a beautiful cake and D made a super yummy pork chop and baked potato. We then settled in to relax and watch some When Calls the Heart. It was a perfect birthday. 

After the farmer's market, we went to try Starbucks new apple macchiato.

Everyone was a good sport. Even T was willing to try it and he hates coffee.

It was pretty. I had almond milk and the girls had soy. T's was regular.

For coffee, it was too sweet, but for an afternoon snack it was really good.

A took the kids shopping without Dad. They did great and said they liked not feeling like dad was rushing them.

L made a FANTASTIC chocolate cake. I tell you zucchini is a wonder food. It makes cake SO moist. A thinks wedding cakes should be made from it!

Tomorrow we have tickets to Wicked. It appears that we are really going to get to see it! 

One birthday down. Two more to go!


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