C & H got there engagement pictures back. They turned out really good. |
First off, it has been nice to have the cooler weather, but I could really do without the 40 mph winds! Everything is pretty much being beat to death by the winds and getting hay is really NOT fun. The new chicken has adapted to living in the coop with the other hens surprisingly well. No one really picks on her and she seems happy. She adjusted to the coop so much better than the last chicken we introduced (the highway chicken). It seems like it was just too easy.
L tried out for her solo last week and should find out this week if she got it. It is for the Christmas concert. She sings with the rest of the student choir this Sunday at both services, but it is just one song and I don't think there is any solos. She really seems to like being a part of the choir. I can't wait to hear her sing!
T finally has his new basketball uniform in and is ready to play in next week's tournament, which is all the way in Duncanville over the course of two days. Basically, we get to spend 3 hours a day driving. In fact most of his games are at least an hour away. Ironically, the game that is closest to us is the only one they play in Oklahoma. The next couple of months we will be busy driving around for his games. Most of them are on Tuesday and Thursday nights so at least the weekends shouldn't be busy.
A is now finished with two classes and is doing really well. She is enjoying being part of the college ministry at church and it has helped her really come out of her shell. In fact, tonight she is going to a Halloween party at the church and is excited to go, even though that means driving at night! D isn't as excited about her enjoying her new found freedom since it means she takes his car all the time. I swear I am going to buy another no frills tiny car so that way they can both be happy. I really love our Mirage though. It only holds about 8 gallons of gas and can go 40+ miles per gallon. In the 2.5 years that we have had it, it has never given us any trouble and those two really drive it a lot.
Have A Great Halloween!
We went out to eat with my parents. |
This time the hibachi fire didn't make T cry. It has been quite awhile since we have been. 😂 |
Since my Dad melted his "teeth" on some pizza, my mom won't let him wear his teeth when he eats anymore 😂 |
He was absolutely thrilled with the mandatory fashion show this morning! |
She thinks I don't know it's dinner time. |
L had to make several different kinds of salads for her family consumer science class. I love classes that mean I don't have to cook! 💕 |
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