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The Bunch Want to Wish Everyone a Happy Popeye's Day!

Happy Popeye's Day!

 What is Popeye's Day?  Pretty much anyone who isn't in our immediate family will definitely be asking this question. It has become an inside joke now. It all started about 2-3 years ago. First, anyone who knows our family knows that we do not eat out frequently. It is saved for special occasions. About 2-3 years ago Popeye's came out with their spicy chicken sandwich and the world went insane. People were waiting in hours long lines, stabbing other customers, and generally just going completely CRAZY for this sandwich. Our family had not eaten at a Popeye's in about 15 years, but decided if we had the chance that we would try that sandwich. A short few years later, the opportunity presented itself. Ok, it was more like an empty Popeye's drive through next to where we were Christmas shopping, but it was lunch time, we were tired and finally decided to give the sandwich a try. The kids all ordered the spicy sandwich and the new mac n cheese. A long story short the kids fell in love with Popeye's and wished they had more and brought it up DAILY. D and I surprised them a couple of weeks ago with the delicious lunch again, but still they were not sated.  We decided we would treat ourselves to the yummy meal on Christmas Eve for dinner, but then realized it might not be open so we bought ingredients to make a copycat recipe. For the past 2 weeks, A has been talking about how she can't wait for that sandwich and counting down the days until we make it. So here we are on Christmas Eve.......HAPPY POPEYE"S DAY!!!
****UPDATE: The meal turned out FANTASTIC! Popeye's Day was everything the kids wanted**** 

We also celebrated D's birthday. We combined his birthday and Christmas gift and bought him a 6" telescope. He has been wanting one for a couple of years to look at the planets and stars. He literally spent ALL day messing with his new toy. The kids said we should get him a gift like that every year! He probably spent 12 hours messing with it. It is a pretty advanced scope so it will take a bit of learning to be able to really use it. It was a fun day.

Cookie and her friends were ready to celebrate too!

The birthday boy at 8 am.

He is excited to see what everyone got him.

Our Aunt found some really neat looking Star Wars models. D thought they were super cool.

This scope kept him busy for about 12 hours! Only about an hour of that was outside.

L made him an Eclair cake.

T just thinks he is all that since he is bigger than everyone!

L's cake turned out really well, especially her vanilla pudding 🍮

Our week became abruptly empty. We had plans to spend a day with my in laws, our Aunt, and my parents. Unfortunately, everyone canceled. Our aunt was ill and so were my parents. I am pretty sure my parents have Covid, but while they are currently feeling pretty bad they so far appear to not need any intervention. I am checking in frequently with them anyways just to be sure things don't go south. My mom tends to put off the doctor. In fact, when she had her appendicitis the doctor said if she would have waited another hour that she would have died. Basically, for the second year in a row Covid has ruined Christmas. Hopefully, it doesn't ruin the wedding. So far the weather should be perfect and as long as we keep everyone well, it should be a great weekend! 

May 2022 start off better than 2021 did for us.! We really didn't like not having running water for nearly a month.

Merry Christmas!!!!


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