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The Bunch Celebrate T Winning Offensive Player of The Year!!!

A got up before 7am to play ball for an hour with T before it got too hot. What a great big sis!

As everyone knows by now, we put T on a select basketball team this season. It was a huge expense (as all club teams are) and an enormous time commitment. We spent multiple hours a week at practice, tournaments, games, and driving to games. The girls didn't get to participate in a lot of their things because we were so busy with T. T really flourished with his team and enjoyed being one of the stars. We are really proud of him for winning offensive player of the year. In fact, his coach said that T had more than twice as many points for the year as the next best player! He deserved his moment. He works really on improving his basketball skills all the time. He not only practices in the driveway, but also does workout routines to improve his vertical jump and be stronger. He has about an 18 inch vertical jump now.  He was a major part of his team placing 3rd at Regionals this year.

He had an unusual response to a accepting his award. The wave off method is rarely used! Boys! 😂

His team ...the banquet served gluten free pizza from Dominos in addition to the regular pizza and I have to say that it was really good. I hate pizza in general, but for a gluten free it was just as good as the real stuff, but didn't make me sick. I highly recommend it if you need to eat gluten free but like pizza.

L has been feeling a little left out so we are looking to find somewhere for her to feel connected. She doesn't want to play competitive volleyball so we were thinking about maybe dance or theatre. The pandemic has made it hard on her the past two years to participate in activities with her friends.  She is doing really well in school and has one week left before summer break.

A is on her break now. She made AB honor roll again! She also chose to take a summer class this year, which actually starts on Monday. She also has to find a place to intern at for the spring semester. I know working part time and going to school full time are going to be really hard for her. She really hates being busy. She gets fatigued fairly easy and going all day long everyday will be a HUGE adjustment for her. Her being gone at work all day will be a huge adjustment for us too! I will always cherish all the time I did get with her though. 

The baby bunnies have all grown up and left the nest. The two runts couldn't get out of the onion bucket so once I noticed the other babies had left L and I caught the other two and moved them out of my onions, which took a beating during their stay. It has only been a couple of weeks, but that is about when the babies are on their own in the wild. The runts were so cute! They were so little and fluffy. They barely filled up our hands. I am happy they are gone though and I can stop worrying about them drowning in the bucket.

We once again have no water. We don't think the pump went out again, but rather we just put too much air in the tank when we filled it. With the type of water tank we have for our well, we have to add a little air to the tank each month to keep it working correctly. A couple of days after D added air this time (so basically it took two days to empty the 155 gallon tank), the water started sputtering and pushing out sand (which finally finished off the washing machine). After D let some air out, it appears to be working again, but until we can clean all the sand out of the toilets and appliances we are back to using the camper(so glad we have it). My neighbor ran an outside hose over to us and I used about 300 gallons of his water to fill everything up including the horse trough (300 gallons really isn't a big deal in the country) and that made everything so much easier. I baked them some bread and gave them a couple dozen eggs for helping us. 

So glad I cleaned the bathroom 30 minutes before this happened!

We went on a hike for Mother's Day and since I have been making the old wives tale "purple drink", I have been feeling great! I felt virtually no pain for 3\4 of the hike and just the last quarter mile I finally started noticing my hips, but that was still mild. Usually after walking 3 straight miles I am in horrible pain. I felt almost normal again. It was GREAT! Basically the "purple drink" is a tablespoon of pectin (Certo) in 6oz of grape juice once a day. I have been amazed at the results. I spent my whole life avoiding preservatives, so taking a tablespoon full everyday seems weird. I have tried to cut back to half a tablespoon, but that doesn't appear to work as well.

Happy Mother's Day! We also do the obligatory hike on Mother's Day and my birthday. No one gets to complain because it's my day!

C & H made me a cute shirt and bought me a Nothing Bundt cake.

L made me a card.

Aunt P sent T a cookbook from Shaq as a congratulations for his award. He LOVES it and has already made three or four things from it and they all were good.

Bundt cake T made from his new cookbook. I love how he likes to cook and bake!


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