I had a wonderful birthday. L made me a delicious chocolate zucchini cake, which is the best recipe for chocolate cake I ever tasted and never would have tried it if we hadn't had 25 lbs of zucchini to use. Poor D tried to make eggs Benedict for me for breakfast, but the hollandaise sauce put up a fight. He has made it before and had it turn out perfectly, but this time he had some problems. After two attempts, it turned out good enough to eat, but boy did he have to work for it! After church, we came back and watched Super Pets on the projector. We had a nice relaxing day and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The kids got me a new phone, which was both a blessing and a curse. My other phone was 5 years old and most apps had stopped supporting it and it was really slow. It didn't even have a QR reader. They got me a 2022 Motorola Power. It has a 50 megapixel camera which I am super excited about. However, the sd card slot is apparently in the same spot as the sim card, unbeknownst to me, and when I went to put my SD card in the sim card fell out into the couch. Apparently, my couch has an alternate universe in it because we looked for 4 hours and never found it. This led to me calling customer service where all the real problems started. Long story short not only did my phone not work, but somehow too they made D's not work. Basically, it took 3 days and a total of 6 hours on the phone with India's best customer service center to fix the situation. Everyone's phone is now working and I hope to never have to call customer service again!
I will miss this when the kids are gone. |
I think it it so sweet they try to make my day so special even though they do thoughtful things for me almost everyday. We raised wonderfully thoughtful kids.💗 |
They totally get me. It is an inside joke and I love that they keep it going! |
L did a great job on the cake. She just has the patience for the cute icing decorations. |
A started her first job this week. It felt really weird to watch her drive off, but we are so excited for her. She really likes it so far and the people who work there. She also hasn't been as exhausted as I thought she would be and seems to be balancing school and work well. She graduates next year from school and then will work as a vet tech instead of a vet assistant. The clinic she works for is the largest clinic I have ever seen. It has 5 vets and employs about 30 people. I had to laugh at her because she is the only person I know of who gets a job and starts working without knowing what their pay is! It really didn't matter to her since working 20 hours a week is a requirement for her degree. She finally asked at the end of the week how much she makes.
It was really weird watching her drive away to her job. It was exciting, but also a little sad that our time with her everyday is entering its last stages. |
L is a senior this year. We plan to do something similar with her. We'll have her do an online school and then work. She has graduation on April 23rd. The association that A graduated with disbanded so L will graduate with a larger association, which means she'll have hundreds of seniors with her. It will be a very different graduation. One that hopefully doesn't involve COVID!
L diligently working on her school work. |
L showing me how my new phone works. |
We celebrated T's birthday by having his best friend come spend the night. I took them to the trampoline park for an hour and a half, then we went to Braum's where we bought 3 bags of burgers ( 15 burgers in all) plus 3 large fries. I can tell you 2 super active teen boys can put a huge dent in all that food. I only came home with 3 and a half burgers and half a fry. After lunch we went to the the rec center where the boys proceeded to play a pick up basketball game for two hours and FINALLY decided to get in the pool and play basketball there for ANOTHER hour and fifteen minutes. I have no idea how they could even walk to the car! They both almost fell asleep in their recliners after dinner and wanted to go to bed at 8:45pm! Today they are SUPER sore and have decided to just play video games and watch TV.
They played basketball at the trampoline park and had fun "dunking". |
T has decided to grow a mullet. He wants to win the competition at church camp within the next two years. The girls say it is hideous and they don't know him in public, but apparently mullets are making a comeback. Go figure. |
These boys put a hurt on some hamburgers. |
They breathe basketball. |
T had such a fun time playing basketball with his friend all day. |
He LOVES Michael Jordan. |
He also loves Nike dry fit socks. They are pretty much the only ones he'll wear. |
Funny story. All the ice cream cakes at Walmart were melted so we went to WinCo. As it turns out the problem was in the delivery truck and not the stores. His cake is like an inch and a half tall! It still looked better than the one at Walmart. |
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