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The Bunch Go With A To Get Her First Car and L Breaks Her Wrist!


We had a busy week this week. Basketball practice started back twice a week for two hours and we took A to buy her first car. Those were our planned errands. The unplanned ones included taking L to the emergency care center and dealing with Maisy's decline. 

First things first. On Saturday, L decided to go out in the evening after it started cooling off and do aerial on the stand we installed in the backyard. We have a 3/4 inch mat installed under it. She had decided to use the silks instead of the hoop. Not unusual. However, T went out to do silks with her (no, he doesn't really do aerial, but has been keeping L company lately and trying a few things. In fact, I am shocked he wasn't the one to get  hurt) and towards the end L was dismounting and let's just say that she didn't stick the landing. She became tangled up in the silks, fell down to the ground, and landed on her wrist. We took her to Care Now on Sunday and they had a FOUR hour wait. Needless to say, we left ( and thanks to the pandemic I remembered a place locally that advertised walk ins for broken bones, Direct Orthopedic Care).  This place is open seven days a week and there was no wait. It still took two hours to get x-rays, see the doctor, and get a cast. The new way they do casts is so neat. It is plastic that is heated and molded to your arm. There is Velcro on the inside so when the doctor checks on it, he can just put it back on if you need it on longer. We go back this Sunday to have it checked. She has pain still so I think it will probably stay on a little longer. Too bad for her that it is her right hand. You should see what her school work looks like written with her left hand!😂

L and her cast.

We got to basketball practice and I realized that unbeknownst to us we had dressed like twinsies. L was NOT impressed.

Our plan with A was to take her car shopping after she earned $500, which was about two paychecks (she gets paid weekly). We found a good deal for a new car now, but not anything I would brag about. We decided on a new car because believe it or not a brand new car with no miles and a 5 year warranty was only $1000 more than a five or six year old car with 50,000 miles! It is crazy in the car market still. A and D had been sharing D's little car. With basketball starting and all the driving (and what seems like living) in the car, we needed another car that has good gas mileage. Unfortunately, the best deals on what we were looking for were about an hour from our house and,even better, after we get there, take the test drive, and start paperwork, A remembers she forgot her SS card and, of course, doesn't know her number. Basically, I head home to get it, but then she managed to get her work to give it to her so the kids and I just continued home to wait for them ( hoping that everything went smoothly and we didn't have to go back to pick them up.). It took about 4 hours to buy a car. It is insane how long it takes. Paying cash last time still took two hours. The dealership only had ONE car left of the model we wanted and luckily it was in a color she really likes. A bought a 2022 Chevy Spark. She loves her new car! She feels like a real grown up and is very proud. She also LOVES her job and she just happened to luck into a place that has great potential for the future. She is doing a great job balancing work and school, though next semester she is going to drop back to only eight hours. She is a little stressed taking twelve this semester. We are really proud of her.

I really like the color. A calls it Crampy 2.0 (D's car is known as Crampy).

We were suppose to go camping this next week out in Bonham for a couple of days, so we could visit with C and H, but now not only does L have a Dr appointment, but Maisy also needs to go to the vet AGAIN. She is now costing more in vet visits, special food, and medicine than BOTH the horses, which given the price of hay right now is quite the feat. In her old age, she has become VERY allergic to something and we just can't figure it out. She has taken to chewing her paws, scratching hair off her neck, and getting hives on her belly. We have done everything: special food, medicine, frequently bathing with a special shampoo, not letting her outside except to potty (in case it is a grass allergy), wiping her feet EVERY TIME she comes in from outside to remove any pollen, cleaning her ears with a special solution to prevent infection, basically we put a ton of work in for her still to be miserable. We may have to have her put down if we can't fix it. She is so miserable that it makes us feel really bad for her. We have had multiple vet visits and he says that in his thirty years of being a vet, he hasn't ever seen anything like it. That is not a comforting statement. She is slightly better than what she was so maybe we'll figure this out soon (though it has been 9 months so I am not holding my breath).

Best buds. Noelle really thinks she is a dog. She lays on the floor with Maisy and tries to take her bone. It is really cute. She will be so sad when Maisy is gone. She is always licking on her and trying to play with her.


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