Apparently, two back to back wind storms proved too much for his 400 lbs chained beast! I pulled it off of the top of A's Car. |
What a nice week! Practice was cancelled this week so we got to enjoy a much less hectic schedule. We had been waiting almost a month for the farm store to get in our new baby chicks, but they ended up being 4 days late and so many people are wanting chickens now thanks to the high price of eggs that they completely sold out in about 3 hours. Luckily, Tractor Supply had several types of chicks in so we still were able to get 9 new babies. Hopefully, their track record will be as good as our local farm store, which has never given us a rooster in 2 batches of chickens. There is always a 10% of getting a rooster in a sexed batch, but I am hopeful these are all girls. So far they are really quiet and it is my experience that the boys are super rowdy.
Baby chicks are so sweet and adorable! |
We got 3 each of 3 different kinds. Even though my kids are pretty much all grown, there are still fights over who gets what. This way they each get to name 1 of each kind. |
9 little babies |
We were one of the few who had a huge storm before the huge storm arrived. This pop up storm packed a punch. We had over an inch of rain in less than 10 minutes. It was raining so hard that we could not see past the deck. When the high winds and hail started, we went to our safe spot in the hall. The kids and I vividly remember the tornado and we weren't messing around! The rain came so fast and hard that the drainage couldn't keep up. We had water so high it was level with our deck that is about 6-8 inches off the ground. The water went two boards high INSIDE the chicken pen. I was worried that they would drown since they are so stupid, but everyone of them went up to higher ground. Of course, this was the first day that D had been back to work in a month. We always joke that he is never here for weather events. Luckily, he was able to make it home about 10 minutes before the next storm arrived. Everything was so saturated from the earlier storm I knew the creeks would swell over the roads out here quickly and make it very dangerous to drive. Unfortunately, since the ground was so saturated from the first storm when the 80+ mph winds came with the second storm T's beast ( basketball goal) broke it's chains. Actually, the muddy anchors wouldn't hold and were ripped out of the ground causing the Beast to land on A's brand new car. D and I went out in the height of the storm to move it off her car and prevent further damage. I will tell you I felt like She-ra moving a 400+ basketball goal with one hand though the 80+ mph winds probably helped make it a little easier. I have ordered more anchors, but next time we 1.) Won't park in the driveway and 2.) If the ground is already saturated before a big wind event, we will just lay down the goal beforehand, if we can. The only damage we really sustained was A's Car and some roof damage. The storm hit last night and by 9 am this morning the roof wolves were already descending on our neighborhood.
Poor A's Car! At least it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Just some roof scratches and door dings. We'll get it fixed up good as new. |
The approaching storm. It was 3:00 in the afternoon. |
It started hailing. Mostly nickel and quarter size with a golf ball sized one mixed in here and there. |
My poor chickens! You could hear the water rushing around it. |
T showing how deep the drop of the deck is. Almost 12 inches. |
Not even kidding! The water was level was almost level with the deck! That's about a foot deep! My house was an island in the middle of a lake.
So crazy! I have never seen it rain hard enough to do this. |
This is about an 8 inch drop. |
There is 2 fence boards under water. |
The ditch was pretty full. We saw turtles swimming by us in the FRONT yard. |
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