Happy birthday to my first baby and my granddaughter!! |
After 2 weeks at an inpatient mental health facility (after being transferred there by medical transport from the emergency room while strapped to a gurney yelling and being combative), L has been released into our care, The kids are a little apprehensive about her being here since her behavior is so out of character and erratic. I can't blame them. We're on edge too. She has an outpatient group she is going to M-F from 9-3 for the next few weeks. Unfortunately, it's about 40 minutes from our house so just taking her and picking her up takes 2.5 hours. As time goes by and we assist the detective in finding out what happened, we are more and more astounded by what is happening. This was planned. L was a pawn and she has been significantly groomed/ brainwashed. I can't talk too much about it, but there is a crazy family at our church(now former church) who I want to destroy. They are the epitome of evil and I cannot wait until they get their just desserts. In fact, we're slapping a civil lawsuit on top of any criminal charges they face. Don't mess with me and mine. I really hope I never run into these people in person around town because I will throttle them and the assault charge would be worth it. L has moments of being herself, but overall she is just filled with hate and evil. I might never know what happened while she was with this "family" for 3 weeks, but thanks her texts I know exactly what led up to them stealing my child and it's appalling. I only have about 5 months to get her back to herself and I am not sure that's enough time. While it would be sad,if when she turns 18 she is still toxic we will have to let her go and cut her out of our lives.
The kids are doing better than expected. Other than being terrified this crazy guy is going to show up at our house, they seem to be behaving fairly normal. T is doing well in school and basketball season starts next week with a tournament. They both like that they can check in on what's going on at the house by checking the cameras. A usually checks in on us everyday at lunch to see what we're doing. The cameras have audio so we can talk back and forth. It helps though I am still upset it had to come to this. T has been really hitting the weights and is getting super strong. His team scrimmages the varsity at almost every practice and they complain because they just can't move him. I wish the rest of the team would work on lifting weights. They are on the small side. T has goals though. He wants to start doing power lifting competitions. He thinks he wants to quit playing basketball, but that is such a great way to spend time with friends doing something healthy and pure. After L's debacle I will never trust church student groups again particularly choir.... I might never trust the church again.
A is almost done with her second to last semester in college and is so ready to be done with school....though she chose a career where she has to do continuing education credits to keep her license current so she'll always have to do school 😂 A just got her car back AGAIN from the auto body shop. I really hope she can at least go a whole year before it hails again!
L did ok out in public, but brought her own food to the restaurant. |
B opening our gift. Her shower steamers smelled so good! I might have to get some. |
It's always nice when we get to visit with C. I wish we lived closer so we could see him more. |
T being T! He is such a sweet goofball. |
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