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The Bunch Watch T's Team Win GOLD at Nationals!!!

So proud! They worked really hard and it was great to see them get a reward for it.

This year everyone one of our club teams (except the freshman team) won gold! This is a huge accomplishment not just because it's hard to win gold, but because it's extra hard for our team. We don't have a home gym so we rely on churches to allow us some practice time and on using the court that one of our teammates has at their house. Yes, some of our teammates are very well to do and do in fact have their own basketball court inside their house, right next to the movie room, complete with water fountains, but having the entire team over for practices all the time would be asking a little too much so we use them as an emergency back up if the church isn't available. We also don't have access to a gym with weights so therefore most of our players don't really spend anytime in the gym lifting weights, which means most of our team is on the smaller side so being able to compete with the larger more muscular teams and win is huge! Our Varsity team in particular played a team so much larger than them that even the announcers (the game was live streamed) couldn't believe how well they used the other team's size against them. It was a great week with 3 out of the 4 teams we brought getting gold (poor freshman team). We don't usually take any teams with us that aren't in highschool, but our 12U team was so good this year that they made an exception. The week was filled with lots of basketball, but we did manage to have fun too!

He is not sure he wants to play next year so we'll see what happens after he has a little time off. 

 We went to explore Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, which was really close by, twice. The first day we just walked/jogged the 5 mile loop and then came back the next day to walk thru the museum and  used the car to drive to each point of interest. Each point of interest site on the loop was still a half to three quarters mile hike each way to look at so we still got a lot of steps in. Because the weather was so nice this year, we were able to keep up with our work outs. I did some body weight videos and went jogging with L while D had fun playing basketball with T at the outdoor court down the road. We also checked out the HyVee and found the world's largest fork. It was a good week, though I would really love it if the train wasn't right by us!

That stone house is over an actual spring to protect their drinking water. People were so smart back then.

It had been awhile since I got a stamp in my Passport book. Luckily, they just decided in 2023  that this was free so we didn't have to pay any fees. It was a fun stop. It combined my two favorite things: exercise and history!

They had to drag this heavy thing around with both horses and men.

Because this house was used as a hospital during the civil war, it was not destroyed and is still in tact with 90% of the original materials.

L and I were so happy to FINALLY have reached the end of the 5 mile loop. Those hills are no joke!

That spinning wheel is the one original to the house.

He is my history buff buddy.

The kitchen has been renovated because of a fire.

The fence is original and doesn't use one nail. It is stacked criss crossed to have support and it must work because it's still standing!

World's largest fork.... outside a law firm!

We did really good and only ate out once all last week! We saw a fast food Thai restaurant and just had to try it. It was worth every penny. It was so good!

My son is just a giant!

It's nice to be home though. I love Missouri and would be totally fine living in the camper full time with D, but sharing one bathroom and sink with the kids all week gets a little hard. This week we're focusing on L's birthday. We're not doing anything too big, but are acknowledging it. I think we're going to go shopping at the outdoor mall and eating lunch at Chili's. 


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