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The Bunch Go To The Winspear Opera House


They had a wonderful time! 

A has been in love with Hamilton the musical since Disney+ first released it and she saw it for the very first time. She has studied the soundtrack and even recreated the entire routine to Schuyler Sisters to perform at prom. When she found out that it was coming back to Dallas this summer, she was one of the very first people to buy tickets. She even treated herself to really great seats, to a whopping $567 for two tickets. I think it's ridiculous that going to a play costs that much. I think many more people would love to instill a love for the arts in their children if it wasn't so cost prohibitive. T ended up going with her since he is the next most devoted Hamilton fan in our household. He is working off the cost of his ticket with me by doing extra chores around the house this summer. Luckily, A bought afternoon tickets so D and I could drive them down to the downtown area. We ended up going out to lunch at this really yummy taco place just outside the opera house and then walked around the Dallas Museum of Art for a couple of hours to kill time while they were at their musical. They had a great time. In fact, A loved it so much she's going to see Shrek the Musical in July. T decided not to go to that one since tickets are so expensive. We're just going to wander around the Dallas Museum of Art again while A attends the musical (plus have lunch at the yummy taco place again). Or maybe check out some of the shops. They have turned the arts district into a really nice area and during the day it feels very safe.

The bead work on display at the Dallas Museum of Art was amazing.

We also went to go see Legally Blonde the musical at the local theater in Gainesville. We had a nice time, but the actual musical wasn't my favorite. I am really looking forward to their production of Elf for Christmas. We still had a great time though and it was a fun way to spend the afternoon and it was definitely more affordable at only $20 a ticket.

This place was amazing and I was really surprised that it wasn't super overpriced given its proximity to the Opera House. 

This was one of the super hot and humid days we had. It was miserable outside which is how we ended up at the a bonus the museum is free!!

We were only a half mile walk from the kids at the opera house.

The chandelier was made out of butcher paper....weird!

The air conditioning was much appreciated.

I love paintings that look like photographs.

The Gainesville Community Theater. It was a really cute historical building.

Our seats were in the very back, but because the facility is so small the view was still fantastic.


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