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The Bunch Had A Busy Week

It is a cute bar in a historical building, but it was still a weird place for a recital. It was very country..... You use what you have!

 There was so much going on this week. It started with T going to the water park with his friends from camp. The youth group rented the water park out after hours and the kids had a blast playing around while enjoying the fact there were no lines. Since they can only rent the facility after normal public hours , he was out pretty late considering the very next morning he had his zoology class to go to. During his zoology class,which is all day, our neighbor called and wanted to give him a job for the next day. Basically, T earns extra money in the summer by doing odd manual labor jobs for the neighbors. He got up at 7 am to go clean out this man's barn and he spent about 4 hours out in the sun and heat moving things around. He also had basketball practice that night, which keeps us out late. T had to get up early again the next day to do his last zoology class of the summer. I will say that after picking him up from his last class he looked completely wore out from all the sun and physical activity from the week. He spent most of the next day relaxing, but he had his recital at the bar that evening. It was an interesting experience. A said it reminded her of When Calls The Heart when they use the saloon as the school house, except in this case they were still selling alcohol. There were so many kids! I had planned on getting appetizers, but they literally only sold drinks. They had smart pop, cheez it's, and some jerky for sale if you needed a snack. I, however, need a meal so we picked up pizza on the way home (I really like Domino's GF pizza). His guitar instructor had accidentally left T off the recital line up so T went to talk to him about it and for whatever reason his instructor hadn't learned the accompaniment part to the song that his instructor had TOLD him to do for the recital, which was Michael Jackson's "Beat It". The good news was T got to pick when to go so he picked an earlier slot so we could leave afterwards and get dinner. He and his instructor decided to play a song he practices fairly often and that they both know. So basically he went up there with no music, all by memory, never having had practiced with his instructor, and played Everybody Wants To Rule The World. T played great!! His instructor messed up 3 times. Overall, it was a fun experience though he is used to playing at church in front of the entire congregation so getting on the stage and playing in front of people was no big deal. Several people complimented him on how well he did. The day after that he had a friend's birthday party to go to which he really enjoyed. They served an Italian dinner in courses and the menu was in Gaelic. You had to guess what utensil you would need to eat each course with. T said over all he picked pretty well, but did have to eat his fettuccine with a knife, but some kids had to eat soup with a fork! The very next morning after his friend's birthday party, he had another party at the water park. He spent another 3 hours outside, but really had fun again seeing his friends. He was really ready to come home though, take a shower, relax,and watch a movie.
He did very well!

Oh, did I mention after the crazy dinner that they had an even crazier race.🤣

T had a super fun evening!

Please note the very faint light lit up on the driver's side. This picture was what made me notice it.

Now, we had our own stuff going on. Anybody that has been in the Volvo knows it is VERY vocal. It beeps about one thing or another constantly. T usually turns all the assists off almost as soon as we get into the car. Well,on the very first morning of T's zoology classes we went to leave and it randomly wouldn't start, which meant we had to take D's little car, which would have been fine EXCEPT last week D had someone pass him too close on the highway and knock his side mirror off. That ended up being the least of my concerns since shortly after we left, I figured out we had no gas. There is no gas stations going from our house to Gainesville. We were so happy when we coasted into the nearest gas station when we made it to Gainesville. Unfortunately, ALL THE PUMPS HAD RED "NO SERVICE" BAGS ON THEM! I ended up taking T to his class first and then hoped the car would start and make it another 2 miles to the next gas station. At this point the car dash had started blinking and zeroed out. Luckily, the car did start,the light was green, and all the pumps weren't taken at the gas station. The car came really close to taking almost as much gas as the tank holds. That was the closest I have ever been to almost running out of gas! After I got home, D and I managed to get the Volvo to start and drove to O'Reilly's to get a new battery and D changed everything out fairly easily. We decided to wash the cars before we went to get T. When I cleaned the dash I must have accidentally turned the lights from automatic to parking. This means that the parking lights pretty much stay lit even when the car is off. You can see one light one in the picture I took of T. Looking at this picture is how AFTER 6 months, of the car telling me " bulb light position failure" I finally figured out which light was out. Several months ago, the car started telling me about the bulb failure by flashing it at me every 2 seconds,which could give someone a seizure at night. D and I checked all the lights and the only one out was one license plate light so we fixed it. However, the stupid message didn't go away so we just figured we had to live with it since we had already checked all the other bulbs....which the Volvo has a ton of. We think that the parking light just happened to go out right after I fixed the other bulb. I never use the parking lights so I never would know. Once we figured it out, we just went ahead and changed both since they are both pretty old. I am so happy now that the dash isn't blinking anymore! I can now read the clock and other things on the dash. While T was at his parties, I was able to spend some time with my parents ( I'll probably never beat my Dad at checkers😂) and visited our Aunt P for a bit. It was fun visiting everyone. We have one more week until school starts and other than basketball tryouts it seems pretty quiet. We'll probably do some more things from the fun jar, unless everyone just wants a recovery week.  


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