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The Bunch Start School


First Day of School.
As much as T WASN'T looking forward to going back to school, it actually has gone pretty well. He has a lighter work load MOST days than he had last year, which means school is usually over in about 3-4 hours. I normally sub out Geometry their junior year because basically I hate geometry and it can be extremely frustrating to teach so the kids usually log on to watch their geometry class and then I am just responsible for the tests and quizzes. However, since I only have one left and I didn't want to pay the extra $500, we're going to attempt to do this together. I think that since this is my third time teaching Geometry in 5 years, I am way more comfortable teaching it because we have been moving super fast through our daily pages and so far T seems to be understanding it. However, Literature is a lot of poems this year and he has a really hard time with those so we have been spending more time on that. 

His first Home Ec lab was chocolate chip cookies. It literally said drop by mounds on to the cookie sheet. I had to check because makes 48 became makes 11.🤣

I have been super frustrated trying to make an appointment with the DPS to get T scheduled for his road test. I really want him to get it done at the same place the girls had their road test in Flower Mound. However, it won't let me even have that center as an option for some reason so D had to email them to ask about it. After trying to call them and going through about 5 minutes of "press this number if", it basically gave him an email address as their only means of communication. Couldn't they have just started their message with that tidbit?!?!! Otherwise, he will have to go to the Decatur office to take his test, which might be easier, but the facility won't be as nice and if it is like the Gainesville one, it won't even have a bathroom either! Ironically, I can't schedule it in Decatur either because they aren't busy enough to require scheduling more than 8 weeks out and he can't test until December 23 or later. Sigh. I hate the DPS. He is probably the best driver starting out. They have all gotten progressively better than the sibling before them. I think it is probably from having to be around the other ones learning to drive and observing that, though they all ended up being good drivers and the only time I was actually scared was when A took a corner at 40 and the car went up on two wheels...T still recalls that one😂. Guess what though....T has never tried to take a turn at 40!

Great news! A LOVES her new shoes she bought when we went to the outlet mall. She wore them the day after we bought them to work, wore them all day, and she said her feet felt great! However, there was an issue the next day she had to work. She was running late and wasn't too sure what her new shoes looked like so she grabbed the grey ones that she saw, crammed her foot into them (they are slip ons), and scooted off to work. Fast forward to about TWO hours later, I am about to work out and am just about to go put my shoes on when I get a text from A. It's a picture of shoes...on her feet! It turns out that 1.) even though my shoes aren't slip ons since they are half a size bigger than hers with some mild cramming she CAN slip her foot in 2.) she thought the wear and tear of being over a year old was because she was in large animals the day before 3.) my shoes are squeaky. Like super squeaky, as in I don't wear them in public because they are so squeaky and this is what made her  REALLY look at them and finally see them. That and the fact my work out shoes are Saucony and NOT Skechers.😂😂😂 I kindly pointed out her shoes literally say "Slip Ons" in big, huge letters. Now that she is back to wearing her new shoes, she is super happy and loves them. In fact, she plans to order 2 or 3 more pairs just in case they stop making them so she doesn't have to go through all this again for awhile! 

The actual was too funny not to share.

Her work found this hysterical too!🤣🤣🤣🤣


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