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The Bunch Have Dinner With GiGi & Pop Pop


We literally celebrated EVERYONE'S birthday except D's 😂

It has been since January since we have been able to see my in laws. It's not that everyone hasn't tried to get together, it's just one thing or another kept happening and it ended up being almost 10 months! I love my in laws and it was so nice to see them and hang out. What was an even better surprise is that my mother in law took this next week off from work so they are going to come over one day this week so Pop Pop can help D with some questions he has about packing the bearings on the travel trailer. Yay! We get two visits in one week! 

A mentioned recently that she missed going on adventures with us in the camper. She even specifically said checking out the different state parks. Since she had been so busy with school and work, like every other adult, she hasn't been able to go adventuring with us in awhile. In fact, the last trip she took with us was for L's senior trip over 2.5 years ago! Therefore, D took a week off work next month and we're going to go on an old fashioned adventure with her. Because we can only be gone from the animals for a couple of days, it won't be very far, but it will be our first trip taking MiMi with us so it should be interesting. We will have us, two cats, and maybe Maisy. Maisy has been having old age issues lately so we aren't sure how much longer she'll be with us. It will be good practice for next May when we take T on his senior trip and everyone goes. We are really excited about T's trip! He wants to go to this river sport place in OKC that has white water rafting, skiing, surfing, zip lining, and all kinds of fun outdoorsy things to do. However, for A's trip I haven't decided where to go yet. I will look around this week and hopefully decide. Otherwise, we'll just load up the trailer and decide spur of the moment.

T was asked by our church's music leader if he could play twice a month during the service instead of just once. I am not sure when this would start, but T's excited about it. He loves playing his guitar and I think it does him a world of good to have to get up in front of a bunch of people to play and sing. It's like a built in oral speaking class.....which he still has to take next year. He has decided he wants to be a firefighter and has been looking at programs for that, which I am fine with. The schooling isn't overly expensive; the profession pays well; they get great benefits; plus there is a pension plan. However, he still has a year and a half left before college so it definitely could change. So far he's wanted to be a cowboy, Elvis impersonator, magician, zoologist, and professional basketball player ( before he realized he didn't like playing competitively 😂). He is a natural at everything so he could probably succeed at any of those, especially in Branson and Pigeon Forge with the Elvis and magician thing. However, the firefighter would definitely always be in demand and have multiple prospects. All my babies are growing up😢.

C recently moved departments in his company and instead of dealing with residential and auto insurance, he is working with commercial insurance. He has been busy driving all over meeting with his new clients. By all over I mean some places are over 2.5 hours one way from his house. He does all this traveling in my mom's old 2001 Ford f150! Granted it doesn't even have 100,000 miles  yet, but  it's almost 24 years old! That is a testament to Ford. 

Pickleball was more fun this week than normal. The cold front came through right before our lesson so we had to try to hit the WHIFFLE ball in 25mph winds!! Needless to say there was a lot of chasing wayward balls! It was so comical though, that's probably the most we have laughed in a very long time. It felt FANTASTIC!

A said T makes her look like a midget😂

The Farmers Market was a fun surprise. We originally went to try to find some Peach Butter we bought downtown. It was so incredibly yummy I wanted to buy a bunch to give out at Christmas, but sadly they were all gone. I will remember next peach season to go buy a bunch for Christmas. 

With boots and a hat he is even more of a giant!

A pic of our Aunt P (45) and our Aunt C (31) at Disney years ago. They looked so fantastic that I had to share! 


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