The Bunch are slowly but surely improving in their pickleball skills. We still haven't really been taught the rules of playing a game, but we have learned how to serve, hit, and volley. We played 2 at a time against the instructor last lesson and he completely destroyed us, but he also learned he should probably wear a cup when playing against newbies 😂. Our goal was literally to just try and hit the ball back to him, it didn't matter if it was "in" or not. We all still played chase the ball! It's fun, but a lot harder than I thought. We're really glad we got lessons to learn how to play because it's very helpful on learning proper techniques. T found a good deal on Amazon for 4 paddles, balls, and a portable net so we plan to head into town sometimes to set up on the basketball court to practice. The hand eye coordination is by far the hardest part to learn!
T has been working hard on finishing his driving hours so he can get his license. He has about 8 hours of nighttime driving to do and 3 hours of expressway driving before his driving requirements are completed. T drove to my parents house this week to get started on the expressway driving. He is by far the best driver so far. I think it's because he had the benefit of sitting through both of his sisters learning how to drive. There has been an improvement with each child. I am glad that he is the last one though. My poor heart couldn't take any more!
The kids played No Mercy Uno with Grandpa and A won! Next time we plan to go for longer so we can all play. The kids thought it was fun. |
We also went to UNT volleyball game this week. We had a lot of fun and A even caught a shirt they threw, plus we ended up winning.
It had been 6 years since our last game! I can't believe it was that long! |
They were celebrating breast cancer awareness. |
T at his guitar lesson. They were jammin this week! |
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