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The Bunch Celebrate Halloween


T decided to be Slash this year. Wouldn't this be awesome at his the bar....while playing Guns and Roses???😂

It has been about 5 years since my husband last took the kids trick or treating up and down our street. Our family loved how excited all the neighbors became when the kids went trick or treating. The kids always love to tell the story of the lady running down the street after them yelling that she had candy! We were told it had been six years since there had been trick or treaters on our street. It's amazing the great snacks and treats our neighbors just had laying around the house that they gave our kids. For the most part, they didn't get candy, they got Little Debbie snack cakes, homemade cupcakes, various granola bars, and just an assortment of high quality snacks. Now, it has been about 5 years since our streets last trick or treaters, namely us. I still hold out hope every year. I prepare with not only candy, but snack cakes and fruit snacks. I am prepared to be the house known for its great Halloween haul, where all the adorable little princesses and Buzz light-years want to go first. The kids laugh at me, but indulge in my delusion since they know they get any leftover candy. They really are helpful deciding what they think the trick or treaters will want each year.😂 A asked last night, Nov. 3, if the trick or treaters could open the candy bag because they wanted something sweet. One day it will happen, I will have cute kids all dressed up in costumes that I can give candy to!

He looks so awesome! It was a pretty easy costume too.

Noelle was more receptive to pictures than MiMi.

MiMi was Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon. She was very much NOT cooperative on her picture taking. It was like herding cats!🤣

A spent a very long time making the tail piece for MiMi's costume, so I really tried my best to capture it.

The boutique owner in town painted her little dog for Halloween! It was too cute!! I have no idea how she was able to get it to stay that still for that long.

After the crazy amount of time T spent on his Simpsons pumpkin last year, he opted for just a traditional jack-o'-lantern this year. I opted for the spider.

This past weekend A had tickets to Beetlejuice! at Bass Hall in Ft. Worth. We hadn't gone with her to Ft Worth yet so we weren't certain what we could do while we waited for her. T was super excited to learn he didn't have to pass time at the art museum. Ft Worth had way more options than Dallas did. Winspear Opera House in Dallas is in a way nicer area, but Ft Worth wins hands down on options of things to do, plus Ft Worth was easier to navigate, even in the horrible downpours and we got FREE parking because we went to the local businesses. We ended up deciding to have lunch at a burger joint while watching part of the Cowboys game ( don't get me started on them this season) and then went to go see Wild Robot at the AMC, which was really funny and a little sad also. It worked out perfectly and we were done right before A was finished at her musical. She even was able to easily wait outside of the stage door for autographs from the performers. She absolutely loved it, which is good because our next musical is in January in Ft Worth and I bought us all tickets to see Come from Away ( it is about the plane that landed in a remote Canadian town on 9/11 and the population was doubled for a few days). It has really great reviews.

It wasn't bad, just not as nice as Dallas. 

We waited for A to get her autographs on a bench across the street.

A getting the autograph of Beetlejuice himself! The actors were so nice about autographs and pictures.

The AMC was in a historic old building, but it was well taken care of. The actual theaters were in way better condition than the Cinemark in Denton we usually go to.

Sundance square was cute.

It was a fun day for all.

The drought has created crazy cracks and craters on our property...AGAIN.

They are everywhere. We will not feed the horses after dark because it is just too dangerous. They just eat really early if we won't be home at dusk to feed them dinner. We don't want to break our legs.

That rod is over 3.5 ft tall and D is holding up so it won't fall into the crack. They are crazy deep and as you can see also wider than your foot. I really won't be surprised if one of the horses breaks their legs. Their pen is a lot better than the main yard since they stomp it down, but a few are starting out there now so hopefully it will rain and they will fill in before they get hurt.


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