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The Bunch Helped GiGi And Pop Pop move Cows

Noelle is so long she is almost as long as my legs! And as you all know I am not a short woman!

This week went by incredibly fast! We have had an issue the past week with a loose dog. It has gotten out several times over the past couple of years but recently has been here on our street almost daily. The house it "belongs" to is located behind us. It is about half a mile as the crow flies, if that crow flies across a hay field. Anyways, I noticed this dog, who is a Great Pyrenees, has lost a lot of weight. I finally called the number on his collar to let them know he has wandered off and was told that he was " in east Texas and that he'll (the dog) will wander back eventually" . I didn't bother responding to that. Who is taking care of this dog then????  T and I gave him some food and spent about 45 minutes pulling huge stickers out of his fur. He came by everyday for something to eat. After a couple of days I decided to call animal control to come pick him up. That way the owner could either pay the fine and go get him or surrender him to the shelter and they could address his health needs and adopt him out. That backfired spectacularly. It turns out that the county doesn't have an animal control officer or a shelter. All they can do is ticket the owner, which doesn't really address the dog being cared for. The Deputy was stupid enough to suggest that I just take him back to his house and tether him outside with some water. What?!?!? Tethering is illegal in Texas now. I then decided this guy was an idiot so I am not sure what to do now. I actually loaded up the dog and drove him back to the address on his collar. There was no fencing or even a dog house I could make out. As expected, he still gets out and I still leave some food out for him. A and I also gave him a monthly flea pill to get rid of his fleas, but what we really want to do is take him to her work to be neutered and heartworm tested. It makes me so mad that someone not only lets their dog run free, but does so knowing it's not neutered! He's a really sweet dog, but we don't really want another dog. Well, except for T he really is attached to this dog. I assume because it seems to really need our help. We will see how this plays out.

A decided not to go this trip with us because she didn't want to miss work after taking a week off last month. I told her we could take another trip later where she wouldn't miss work. Even though she doesn't like camping or being outdoors much, she misses all the adventures we had while she was a child. We started tent camping when the kids were little as a way to get out and do something that was affordable. We had such a great experiences we just started doing 2-4 trips a year. Eventually, thanks to the dog, we graduated to a pop up trailer that we used constantly for about four years. We actually sold it for exactly what we paid for it so it was a great investment. Now, we have our travel trailer, which D and I love. There is space for everyone to sleep comfortably, plus it stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer. We have used it both in below freezing weather and over 100 with high humidity and been perfectly happy with the trailer's  temperature. We decided to start working on one of T's badges that requires him to hike 20 miles. We have to start with 5 miles and over 10 hikes work up to 20 miles. D and I will hike the 5-10 mile hikes with him for sure, but might not do the longer hikes. On our honeymoon, D and I walked 26 miles all over Grand Cayman and that was when we were in peak shape about 24 years ago. I am not too sure we care to repeat that feeling again quarter of a century later! 

T went on his first campout this past weekend with his troop and he loved it! He seems really excited about meeting his new friends and getting back to our roots. We started in scouts with the kids when they were younger. D even led T's troop for a couple of years. He enjoyed playing basketball with his friends, but really didn't like the competitive part. He just wanted to play for fun without all the structure of practices. He is a beast on the court, make no mistake, but he doesn't enjoy how intense games become from a mental prospective.  It was VERY strange to be by myself all weekend while T was at his camp and both D and A had to work. I decided to get all the animals ready for the winter that surely will come one day by hanging tarps up on all their cages/coops/barn to keep the wind out. It took me literally all day and I most likely wouldn't have finished before dark if A hadn't have been super sweet and offered to help me finish. Come to find out later she didn't realize what all was involved and thought we would be done in about 30 minutes. It took over 2 hours!!😂 I was super happy she helped though! I was so busy I didn't have time to worry about whether T was doing ok or if he was enjoying his campout so mission accomplished. 

D and I also went to help my in laws move some cattle to auction this weekend. We were helping them get rid of the super scary longhorns that are destroying their property. It took literally all day, but if we would have decided to use the ramp earlier we could have probably cut that time in half. The smallest, but least aggressive bull took almost 3 hours to load because he was so freaking stubborn about following his mama into the trailer. He was born on the property and had never been trailered before. After we FINALLY got the ramp out to help him get in, it literally took about 5 minutes to load him. After the crazy first 3 hours once we got the second one loaded, we could go drop the cows off at the auction about an hour and fifteen minutes away. We could only take up to two at a time because their horns are so big. Luckily dropping them off was super easy and we didn't have to do anything. My in laws, like us, we were just exhausted from all the work , but we rallied to finish getting all the ones we could. Luckily, the last beast of a bull pretty much hopped right up into the trailer and overall the day went fairly smoothly. We had a couple of hiccups, but no one was seriously hurt and what they needed accomplished was done. They now only have 2 mama cows and their babies on the property and as soon as the babies are weaned, we'll load them up for auction too. There are no bulls now, so no more babies! When we got home, D wanted to know how we could work so hard all day yet spend all day in the car?!?😂

This is the auction house we unloaded at. They had quite the efficient system.

For the most part, the cows stayed calm during transport. One of them in particular we weren't sure if he would try to ram the trailer and tear it up. Luckily, that didn't happen.

I had never seen a Mystery Machine mini van before!


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