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The Bunch In Quarantine Week 3

While our life did not alter as drastically as most families, it apparently has been altered enough that the beginnings of restlessness are starting to appear.  Being the good wife and mother that I am, I have made sure to have lots of things planned to keep everyone busy. My newly organized garage is fantastic! We can see the pool table for the first time in a year! The kids have really played pool a lot lately since it has been so muddy outside. I have also had everyone keep up with their exercises by making them do Maggie Binkley videos on Amazon Prime. Don't let the fact she only has a 15 minute workout  (multiple levels/episodes) fool you. These videos will kick your butt! Everyone has had their sports season cancelled so I am making sure that they are moving and staying at least a little conditioned. The hardest part for us is the fact we can't go anywhere and explore. We basically have a camper in the driveway that is begging us to go somewhere new and have fun, but of course that just can't happen right now and who really knows when it will be able to happen. I would like to know that by April 30 we are able to resume life, but I guess only time will tell. We are definitely one of the fortunate ones since my husband's job is completely unaffected by lock downs or recessions. I really feel for all the people who lived paycheck to paycheck and now there is no pay check. I don't think a $1200 stimulus check is going to matter a whole lot to them.
T has really kept busy by cooking. He made us all omelets the other night that were fantastic.

School is already a big part of our day so that didn't change.

Trying to make everything seem more normal by getting our Easter decor out like we do every year. I even managed to find white eggs to dye.  Our chicken eggs are already colored so we can't decorate them.

We have had several movie afternoons.

And a few nap times.

A is pretty good about exercising on her own.

Our big plans for this week include painting the barn (providing it doesn't rain), evicting the thousand or so fire ant mounds we have, and mowing our weeds. What can I say, life is super exciting right now! We did visit my parents this week for our weekly visit.  We probably shouldn't, but I have to check on them to make sure they aren't out doing stuff. I think they would go to Target or Wal-Mart everyday for "essentials" if I wasn't always nagging them to stay home. After reading several posts online, I know I am far from alone on getting my elderly parents to sit still for any extended period of time. Last week I had to tell them that driving to 4 different stores to find eggs so that their DOG could have her breakfast egg every morning was NOT essential. 
We had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa. We also played a game with them. No hugs or kisses though. 

The horse is doing a lot better after she slide in the mud last week and hurt her leg. Much to her dismay, we are just keeping her in the barn when we feel it is too muddy for her to be out. Gwen, her mini donkey buddy, gets let out more frequently for two reasons. Number 1 is that she weighs a lot less so she doesn't slide around as much and number 2 is that she is a HORRIBLE barn guest  and it takes us 3 times longer to muck the stall out on the days she has to stay in. Therefore, she only gets to stay in the barn when it is actually raining. She has been gaining weight since Iris has been in lock down. I guess the horse really did eat a significant portion of her food.
The new baby chicks are growing fast. The other day the heat lamp went out and we had to hurry to the farm store about 30 minutes before closing to purchase a new one. Luckily, the farm store had just received a shipment of baby silkie chickens.  L has always really wanted that breed so long story short the only trip I have taken with the kids in almost 3 weeks ended with me coming home with even more chickens! I will say that the new ones are so cute and are about half the size of the other babies. Unfortunately, these weren't pullets (sexed baby girl chickens) so I am really hoping there aren't some roosters we brought home. I am not keeping any boys and have told the kids they will be pot pie, but I don't think they really believe me. Hopefully, it doesn't come to that, but I am pretty sure we will have at least one boy.
The new Silkies are so little and cute.

T named this one Fluffy. If you look up adult Silkie chickens then the name makes sense.

Believe it or not that pile has 8 chickens in it.

One thing we are looking forward to this week is all the new movies that Disney+ is releasing on April 3. We have also had a lot of fun playing one night werewolf. L received this game for her birthday and it is a lot of fun. You need several people to play though so we have been playing with only a few characters instead of all of them.
I hope everyone is doing well and managing to navigate this crazy time without too much trouble.


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