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The Bunch Quarantine Week #5 and Easter

Maisy has to be in the middle of everything.

T does Sweet Caroline

Well, this week has been a little better. I turned off the news, quit getting corona virus updates (don't even care a little bit anymore), and even managed to score some toilet paper (I had to leave at 6:00 am, but I did find it).  We had a lot of fun watching T perform his Elvis songs, painting Easter eggs, and playing games together.
A Easter Eggs

T Easter Eggs

L Easter eggs

Mom Easter Eggs

To celebrate Easter, we had an egg hunt (indoors thanks to the bad weather), enjoyed some sweet bread that L made for breakfast and a special egg gravy with biscuits. For lunch we had ham, potato casserole, deviled eggs, and applesauce salad. We also rented Little Women and the new one is really good. I highly recommend it if you like that sort of movie.

T is Elvis Crazy
L is nothing if not fair at the start of the egg hunt!

A spent a long time perfecting her eggs. It makes her sad that we immediately eat them!

Even with L's "fair" start, T found the most eggs.

Maisy is the official supervisor.

T performs Suspicious Minds

The baby chickens are getting bigger and in a couple weeks they will be leaving my garage and heading out to their temporary outdoor coop. Yay! They are messy, smelly, and need to be outside!

They are growing so fast.

The little silkies are a third of the size of the others. They get stepped on A LOT.

D took off this week (nothing like a little quarantine vacay). We always travel whenever he has off, but now we are only allowed to stay home so he gets a more "relaxing" week......after he finishes his to do list for the day.

The bad weather made us miss our weekly appointment to check in on my parents. They really look forward to us a coming even if we can't get too close. They have been doing a lot better about staying home and are rapidly becoming bored, but at least they are (mostly) staying home. D and I did offer to come to my in laws house also (not playing favorites or anything by only checking on my parents) and help out there if they needed it, but they are a few years younger than my parents and politely declined having us come over.
T spends the afternoon building a fort.

And enjoying the nice weather.
My boys look handsome in their Easter shirts.

We can't wait until everything opens again and this forcing everyone to lose their jobs is over.  We, personally, think everyone should be allowed to open and each person who goes out be responsible for proper hygiene and any protection that they wish. We think things are not nearly as bad as the media tries to make it sound. Less than 10% of people tested are positive and only about 2% of those die. Yes, it is contagious, but I think most of the liberals are really overreacting (shocking I know). I really hope this makes people understand how horrible socialism is. Look at the payment debacle and how the government decided what was essential and what wasn't. I bet that blind person thinks their seeing eye dog is pretty essential even if the government doesn't.
I have noticed most of the places I go are still open.  I guess I pretty much went out only for essentials before all this craziness. I lost an apple tree and a grape plant this winter so we went to Lowe's to pick up a couple of new ones. It took exactly 3 hours for my donkey to eat my grape plant. She hadn't even looked that way before, even though there was another grape plant already growing. However, she ate the new one; leaves, roots and all. She has been banned from the backyard for the time being now. I still think she is really cute though.


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