I don't think time has ever moved so slowly! Just about 4 weeks ago we entered into this crazy uncertain time, not knowing what the next month would bring. Well, here we are. Week 4 in isolation and I still haven't found toilet paper, our adventures to the grocery store reveals that a lot of people are still out wandering around, and everyone is about to go crazy from being cooped up. I completely agree with the President, we need to start reopening the economy and let people slowly get back to work. We CANNOT shutter the economy for months on end. People need to use their own sense of judgement on how they want to protect their families and loved ones. I think the forced closure of most of the nation for such an extended period of time is starting to step on the freedoms that we are allowed as Americans. This is not some Communist country where government gets to dictate our lives. I understand this disease has devastated a few cities in the US, but several aren't touched at all. Let the people decide on their own if they want to stay home or how they want to protect themselves. I actually agreed with councilman John Wiley Price......never thought I would say that. The cure can't be worse than the disease 😷.
Ok. Done with the rant, but agreeing with John Wiley Price about anything was the straw that broke the camel's back 🐪.
I saw a school bus on my way to pick up lunch today and my first thought wasn't that life was resuming, but what the heck happened! I checked the local school district's website to see if school started back and no they are still "distance learning". I watched the midday news. Nope nothing more than NY's governor giving another whining session about what he thinks failed him. News flash this was unprecedented. You can't over stock on things you're not sure you will need. It could have been some sort of skin eating rash and then those 200,000 ventilators would just be taking up space. Huh, I guess I wasn't done with my rant. I might go crazy if this goes on too much longer. Maybe I will feel better if I find toilet paper!
Modeling our hard work |
It took us 7 hours to finish these! |
The kids have been really good through all of this. They have flown kites, played games, cooked, watched movies, practiced sports, and made face masks together. D has been doing most all of the shopping for me since he has to be out in public anyways so the kids and I really go nowhere. I am a planner and not being able to plan or having my plans cancelled/changed is very frustrating. For example, the dermatologist can't see patients so we can do a virtual appt. We have never done that before and I really don't care to learn how now so we pushed back a real visit until next month. Ahhhh! I am ready to get back to normal even if that means always wearing face masks.
L had fun with her kite. She was out there for about an hour. |
My little hummingbird is back!! And waiting patiently for me to refill his food. |
Having some fun with the grandparents |
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