Well, another week has just flown by. Obviously, I am kidding. Since everyday is the exact same, time seems to creep slowly by and somehow at the exact same time it is liked I just blinked and 6 weeks went by. The beginning of this whole panic in early March seems like 5 years ago. We are really excited that things are starting to reopen. Our little local zoo is opening with limited guests each day and annual pass holders are given priority for entrance. I am really happy we bought an annual pass. We are pretty much assured that we will be allowed to enter. Next week we will be able to check on the baby zebra that was born right before the lock down. I bet that she is getting big. She could barely stand up on her little spindly legs last time we saw her!
We also have plans to go hiking next week. There is no camping allowed in the state parks yet, but the trails are open. Everyone is required to wear masks....not sure how feasible that will be for hikers and bikers, but we will try to keep our masks on---provided they don't keep us from breathing while we exercise. As soon as camping is allowed we plan on going on several weekend get aways!
The kids are not done with school yet, but normally we plan on finishing school early so we can travel before everyone else is out for summer break, but this year everyone is already home plus nothing is open so there is no real incentive to finish early. Therefore, the last four weeks of school we plan to take a week off every other week. We will finish school the 3rd week of June this year. Apparently, this year will be kind of boring because everything is so crazy because of the virus. We will be unable to go on the trips we had wanted to since most things are closed or greatly restricted. I am hopeful that Branson is still a possibility November, but we will have to wait and see.
The kids have planted a garden. We had seeds that we did not plant last year so they made themselves a little garden. T is really proud of his garden. Everything he planted has sprouted up (he has quite the variety). Hopefully, he will get a few fruits and vegetables from his garden. L only planted 5 cantaloupes, 1 watermelon, and a million carrots (carrot seeds are microscopic so they are quite tedious to plant). The new grapes I bought have already died back and this time Gwen wasn't able to eat them so I know it wasn't her. I think grasshoppers are eating the leaves off. I am going to spray them later even though I HATE using chemicals on our food I think it might be necessary in this case. I think the soil here is not ideal for grapes. My grapes in Lewisville were super full after 2 years, but these have been here for almost 3 and have never grown more than a few inches.
There are tiny sprouts just starting for everything he has planted so far. |
D was pretty productive this week. He helped my parents fix their leaky toilet, tilled up T's little garden, and played with (I mean put together) our Aunt's wheelchair. The kids have been bored enough that they are teaching each other how to play their respective instruments. A is teaching violin to both T and L. T is actually pretty good with his first set of scales. L is teaching A how to play the piano. They played a piano/violin duet last week that was fun. We also enjoyed one of the really nice afternoons by playing corn hole in the back yard. My brother in law hand made the corn hole set for us a few years ago and we have used it a lot. We brought the speakers on the deck and played several games for about an hour. It was a lot of fun. The kids have also played Downton Abbey Clue for hours on end. I am not kidding. One day they played for 5 hours straight. The Clue game is now politically correct. No one is a "murderer". Now you have to find who stole what item. I didn't realize this at first and was curious how someone was murdered with the lavender loaf of bread.
It was a very pretty day. I am grateful for all our space to quarantine in! |
T's hair is getting really long. His goal is to have hair like Elvis. |
We had fun listening to music and playing outside. |
I wasn't really helping. I was just watching. |
The girls even brought Clue to play at Grandma's house. |
T watched Indiana Jones with Grandpa and Grandma. |
D had so much fun rolling around that he had me try it too. It was a really sturdy chair, but I think he enjoys it so much because he has never had to use one. |
We are looking forward to a couple of small outings this week! I 'll let you know how it goes.
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