Iris is FINALLY 🙌 ready to start exercising again
We have had a wonderful time with our "Fun Jar". This week some of the highlights drawn were going swimming and having a timed costume party. We decided to go swimming at the lake by our house, mostly because it is the closest, but also it has a great swim beach and is usually not very crowded. We had so much fun. It was enjoyable to sort of do something that hasn't really been changed by the Corona Virus. The biggest difference was that now only so many people are allowed in per day and when you go to the bathroom you must wear your mask. However, I can count on both hands how many people besides us were at the beach when we went and we were in no danger of being too close to anyone. I pretty much just took my kick board and exercised for an hour while everybody else played volleyball in the water with a beachball. I am not sure why, but they usually don't like to play with me. Maybe I get too competitive. Either way I had fun and good exercise and they had fun and good exercise. I have sort of a reputation (not for being too competitive...ok maybe for being too competitive, but more specifically I was referring to technology). D and I are both fairly technologically challenged. Case in point. As I was resting in my beach chair, tired from my kickboard excursion, I saw my family playing with their beachball and decided I should capture it on camera. Now, it is really hard to see a smartphone in the sun outside, especially when you keep the brightness down to save battery power. I have my phone set so when I press the button twice the camera turns on and if I touch the up volume then it will take a picture. This way I can take pictures without seeing the screen. Basically, what I have a reputation for now is not knowing I have accidentally flipped the camera and are just taking weird selfies. Yep. That happened again. I have one pic of my lovely family playing and several of my ear and myself making faces while I try to see if the camera is on. I keep living up to my reputation. Oh, well. One day I'll get it.
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