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The Bunch Really Miss Seeing Other People

As we enter week 17 of quarantine I must admit that we are really ready to visit friends. We normally have a fairly interactive schedule and this four plus months of nothing is really wearing us down. There are no church camps, no sports practices or games, no fun places to go visit, or fun festivals to go to. Basically,  This. Is. It. I have a feeling that with all the new Covid cases that things will get worse before they get better. My eldest daughter told me today that she is tired of having nothing to look forward to. She usually looks forward to a friend's party, church camp, a fun outing we plan, or anything really. Now, our schedule is more like what productive thing can we get done around the house today. We have done a couple of camping trips which were nice, but everything in the towns we visit are pretty much closed so we can't really explore. We treat the kids to an extra special outing if they make AB honor roll for the school year, but this year we're not sure what to do. They worked really hard to earn their high grades and now their fun day out can't happen. There is no water parks, plays, or fancy dinner. I am trying to think outside the box for something that they might like that we can actually still do. Hopefully, we can come up with something.

We finally have our 50 amp hook ups! Yay! Yes, I said 50 amp even though the rv needs 30 amp. There is a reason for this. A 30 amp rv can adapt to 50 amps easier than a 50 amp can adapt to 30 amp. I would love to say we were thinking of the future when we put in the plug, but it would be a lie. Basically, it was 50 amp or nothing. Unbeknownst to us, the previous owner's 50 amp 220 outlet was tied into the same breaker as the oven. Since we have no free breakers in our control panel we had to keep it with the oven, which is 50 amps. So all the electrician could do was swap the 220 v  wire for 120 v wire so we could plug our RV in without frying our rv's electrical system. We already own an adapter so it wasn't a huge deal and now if someone visits with a bigger rv we have hook ups they can plug into.  I am just glad to be able to run the a/c and the fridge at the same time.

We are FINALLY seeing the fruits of our labor in the garden. Literally. I have several large watermelon that will be ready in the next couple of weeks, tons of red peppers and tomatoes, and T has lots of green beans, jalepenos, and okra. L is anxiously awaiting her only cantaloupe. It feels good to finally see our plants make food. T is so excited about his garden that he is already planning next year's crop! He even picks weeds every day. I just let my weeds go and some are about 6 ft tall. I just REALLY hate pulling weeds. It why my hedge row is made up of wildflowers....though I get a ton of butterflies and hummingbirds so I really love my wild flowers. 
The watermelon was 11.5 lbs and NOT ready, but the chickens loved it!

I have a lot of peppers I am just waiting on to turn red.

Lots of watermelons in different states. They should start being ready in 2 weeks. I can't wait!

He loves his little 💙 garden ❤️

Our crazy stupid sweet  dog 🐕.

She is starting to act more normal, but still is resting a lot. We are keeping a close eye on her. The vet was out this week, but didn't really see anything wrong.

The horse is doing well 😊

Boredom is setting in. We need friends to come visit!

We have big plans...kind of...big plans for having a pandemic. We are throwing a small July 4th party. We bought lots of fireworks ( we are outside city limits), have our hot dogs ready to grill, and bottles of margaritas chilling in the fridge. All we need we are a few friends and family and we'll have a wonderful night.  

                                          Happy Fourth Ya'll!!! 


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