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The Bunch Finish Week 2 of School and Visit Friends and Family


The approaching storm....which we had 50 mph winds and .01 inches of rain!

Ok. Things have been pretty crazy the past couple of weeks. We are helping a family member move to a new apartment and have been busy with that, but also dealing with various doctor appointments and being ill. 

First off, our first visit with friends in over 6 months was fantastic. It was by far one of the best two hours we have had in a long time. It really helps that several of their kids are the same age as ours are. Their oldest is only one year younger than L and they have a son who is one year older than T. They have 5 kids and the two youngest are twins. This couple is about 10 years younger than D and I but is pretty much us when we were that age ( they just have one more kid and after 3 who keeps count anyways). The kids LOVED visiting friends their own age and even A enjoyed spending time with kids that weren't family. Overall, it  was a great experience. We had to take our small car to the shop for some work so A had to drive the big full size SUV there and back.  She did great and enjoyed the way smaller cars had to respect her! 😂 Unfortunately, three days after our visit I became what I thought to be deathly ill. I was really hoping I didn't get Covid during our FIRST outing. However, it is now three days later and I am back to my normal self. I think what happened is we bought some of the peaches from Aldi that were recalled because of salmonella. I had touched those peaches to throw them away about 6 hours before I had the worst stomach cramps and stomach issues that I have ever had. For about 24 hours I thought I might be really dying. It was bad. I had decided if the next day was as bad I needed someone to drive me to the doctor, but fortunately after about 24  hours I was feeling a lot better so it wasn't necessary. I was super glad noone else became ill. I am proud to say I feel completely fine now. Thank God 🙏.

Since L's party was cancelled thanks to Covid, they bought a cupcake for her to celebrate too.

We had a good time.

I must admit at first it was a little nerve wracking to see people outside of our family.

We are super excited to bring a family member closer to us so we have been looking at a place for her. The place we looked at is really nice and gave D and I an idea of what we want when we get older. This place covers all your meals and snacks. It also includes all your bills except your phone bill and was what we considered for a very reasonable price. I have mentioned to my parents that I would like them to look there in the next few years because I think it would serve them well. It is in a super nice area and has so many amenities. I should probably work there as a marketing director since I have been singing praises about it to pretty much anyone over 56 ( the minimum age to live there).

It has a great view.

No kidding. This  is in the middle of shopping area.
It was a nice apartment.

We finished week 2 of school and are heading into birthday season which for the first time ever doesn't include our big Labor Day party, which saddens me. I love seeing all our friends and family and this new "normal"of being hermits is starting to wear on us. However, most of our family is older and we just want to be safe. I would be forever ridden with guilt if we gave someone we loved a disease that cost them their life even if we were unaware we were carriers. I have been pretty obsessive about hand sanitizer, masks, and not being around people.

He is having fun climbing our hay bales. We bought about 8,000 lbs or 8 months of hay. This one of 9 rolls.

We had him dress as John Travolta....he has no idea how spot on he was!

T enjoys his Grandpa time.

Grandma made us lunch.

The girls watched Netflix since I cancelled it at home because all we watch is Disney+.

It has been so nice this year for a Texas summer. In fact, the past two years have been pretty decent so I know a horribly hot summer is coming. You can't live in TX and not expect exceptionally hot Summers. However, we will not only accept the nicer weather, but enjoy it!


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