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The Bunch are Ready for Christmas...Mostly

Cookie held a campaign rally!

All the gifts have been ordered (weeks ago) and most have already arrived. Unfortunately, there are three that will probably arrive after Christmas. Well, one definitely will and two others might. The pandemic is really messing up manufacturing, not to mention the shipping issues. We have been surprisingly busy considering all our shopping was pretty much done over the Thanksgiving holiday. We have made some cookies and watched several Hallmark Christmas movies, but we haven't gone to look at lights yet. We plan to this weekend and I can't wait. We are going to try the Radiance display this year in Decatur. I love drive thru light displays. Our favorite so far is in Sherman, TX. The display at Texas Motor Speedway is our second favorite. 

Cookie had some trouble with the lights.

She even stole a bite of our favorite apples!

She fell asleep after making a card for Santa.

She also stole our candy!

In a surprise turn of events we adopted a kitten. My cat of 22 years passed away over 4 years ago. Believe it or not Maisy never had a problem with Abagail. Abby had very unique markings. She looked like a white tiger, but in kitty form with light gray instead of black stripes. Everyone always commented on her appearance. She was a good buddy for a long time though I will say her super senior years could be a little irritating. Overall she was a wonderful pet. It took about two years after her death before I even entertained the thought of a new cat. We looked at several off and on throughout the years, but I wasn't ready. Finally, I saw a picture of our new kitten Noelle. She reminded me so much of my Abagail that we went to see her.  She was more grey and light gray than white and gray, but looked very similar in the face. As soon as I took her out of the cage, she wrapped herself around my shoulder and just purred so loud. I was a goner. Needless to say we took said kitten home. It has been almost 27 years since I have had a kitten. I have to say that I forgot how much they are like real babies. She has nap times and eats 4 times a day. She plays so hard when she is awake that she pretty much just passes out when she gets sleepy. She is litter box trained and once we cut her nails, we haven't had any issues. She always wants to be held. I think she might have been weaned too early. She is 8 weeks old supposedly, but doesn't really eat solid food well yet so we are supplementing with soft food 4 times a day. Hopefully, that only lasts for a couple of weeks. Maisy is hesitant of her. We have not let them around each other loose yet and probably won't for awhile. The kitty is really little and weighs just under 2 lbs while Maisy is really fat and weighs over 65. One stays put up while the other is out. Maisy really tries to ignore her. We have 30 days to decide if it won't work so we'll see how it goes. She is such a good kitty I find it hard to believe that it wouldn't work out.

Noelle loves playing with the kids.

She even helps with school!

Isn't she a cutie?

L loves all things that are babies.

L made us yummy sugar cookies. It is really weird NOT to bake cookies for all the neighbors and D's work, but with everything going on I didn't want to make people uncomfortable about getting homemade goods.

Our little Noelle (Ellie). She looks so much like Abby in this picture.


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