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The Bunch See Christmas Lights and Have Small Family Celebrations

It is finally here! The end of the horrible year 2020 and the celebration of my favorite holiday. While it was weird not having our huge baking day, overall the holidays were still wonderful. Instead of our big holiday get together with family, we opted for several small get togethers over a few days. I love hosting our usual big holiday parties. The kids and I plan the cookies, dinner, and spend a lot of time decorating. We really enjoy having everyone over, but once again thanks to Covid that didn't get to happen. It was great to see everyone for the holidays, but we really missed seeing everyone together at one time.


We went to Grandma's house.

My brother and his finance joined us.

C joined us too.

We set the alarm for 6am to have Christmas before D went to work. T woke everyone up at 5:30.

Christmas morning.

The girls got aerial silks to go with their hoop. They were so excited!

My granddaughter and daughter in law.

He loves his festive Star Wars shirt.

My girls 💕💕

The Christmas Eve gift opening. Not sure when it started, but they always get to open one gift on Christmas Eve. It is quite the discussion among them on which one they'll choose.

We had yummy chinese food with our Aunt.

Since they lifted the Covid restrictions at her apartment the kids were able to come too.

T is always happy to visit family.

                                      The girls looked so pretty in their bows.

We took the kids to the drive thru light display in Decatur. It was fantastic! It was smaller in length than most other drive thru displays, but had just as many lights up. There were lights everywhere. It was beautiful. It just made you feel  happy as you drove through it and we all need that. 

It was so pretty.

We also drove around our town to look at lights.

Several houses went all out. You can see a glimpse of the 2 story snowman blowup this house had in the far left of the pic.

A few houses went all out, but overall it seemed many houses opted out of lights this year. 

There were still a few great ones though.

Cookie had us find the treats hidden under the cups. (All the cups ended up having a treat, but some were triscuts or raisins)

Cookie had a kitten sleeping on her chest.

Cookie gets a pet cat. Are you seeing a theme here? We had just got our new kitten.

The new little kitten is doing great. She is such a cuddle bug. We have discovered that keeping her nails trimmed prevents her from scratching up furniture. I hope it continues to work as she gets bigger because I don't want to have to get her declawed. If she ever made it outside here in the country, she would definitely need her claws. We routinely see coyotes ( almost daily), skunks, jack rabbits, bobcats, mountain lions, feral hogs, deer (not that those would get her) and pretty much any wild animal you think of. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a black bear or two. Basically, it's wild out here. She also will need her claws if Maisy gets a little rough with her. We are now letting her loose around the dog. Okay, we have a leash on the dog just in case, but so far so good. I even had the cat cuddled around my neck with the dog snoozing against my leg for over an hour! The hardest part for Maisy is when Noelle is just running around and being a playful kitten. It kicks her prey drive into high gear. However, if Noelle is just snuggled in our laps she could care less. I think given enough time she'll be fine. I mean she was around my super old cat for two years and we had no issues. I hope.

Isn't she precious?

She is very adventurous.

D loved the headlamp he got for his birthday. 6000 lumens!!! We have gone outside at night a few times to play with it.

My wonderful husband celebrates his 24th birthday 🎂

He wanted a tres leches cake. I tried a bite, but I haven't had real milk in so long it tasted weird. However, D and the kids assured me it was very good.


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