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Boy Oh Boy! The Bunch Get Busy! Life is Starting to Feel More Normal.


The weather here has improved vastly since February. We lucked out and all our hard worked during that horrendous cold event paid off. All our pipes, including the trailer, are fine. Our calendar is ever so slowly starting to fill in and while I will miss all the down time that the pandemic created for us, I am so happy to start being able to do things again bit by bit. 

We went camping for a few days last week at Lake Arrowhead State Park near Wichita Falls. Basically we went there because that was what I was able to get a reservation for. I checked 4 other parks before this one and they were completely booked up. As it was, we got the very last spot that was available for this park. Even though the park was EXTREMELY full, it wasn't as bad as we thought it might be. The rv spots were well spaced out and we had plenty of room at our site. This was baby kitty's first trip camping and she did even better than I hoped she would have! In fact, she was better behaved in the trailer than she is at home. I guess because the rv literally has nothing left out she can get into. I had worried about her clawing up the sofa and dining booths, so I had bought a cover for the sofa and turned the dining booth cushions over to be inside out. However, she was fine and my precautionary measures proved unnecessary. I will still keep them in place for a few more trips though before I decide they are no longer needed. As she develops into a big cat, she is clawing up stuff less, which means I have to clip her nails less frequently. Unfortunately, L caught a stomach bug and was confined mostly to her bed in the camper, but the rest of us enjoyed hiking and spending time outdoors in the beautiful weather. This particular park touts a prairie dog town. It made me remember the prairie dog town we experienced in South Dakota at Custer State Park. There were millions of prairie dogs running around every where. In fact, a predator introduction might be beneficial to that particular area. The prairie dogs are over running everything there. However, that was NOT the experience at this park. There maybe some. I have no idea. We didn't see any while we were there, but we did come across several holes that looked like they might have housed prairie dogs at one point in time. Either way it was an enjoyable outing sans L getting sick.

Our spot.

She was such a good kitty! She stayed out of the way better than Maisy.

A loves camping, but indoors where she can see the outside while she reads? I am not sure we are related. I love being outdoors!

Maisy tolerates camping, but it is not her favorite. She likes being outside better, but since she gets so crazy when she sees people or other animals she spends most of her time indoors.

L managed to hike a fairly short easy trail with us, but had to sit out the longer harder one.

The harder trail had some cool stairs and views.

It even had a nice bench to rest on.

My little photo bomber.

As the kids get older, we get to have a few excursions to ourselves. That is always welcomed.

We went to T's first and second football game this weekend and it was nice to feel like things were somewhat normal again. I definitely do NOT miss the kids playing outdoor sports! T had a double header and we spent about 3 hours roasting in the sun.  D went down the street to Academy to buy a big sun umbrella. The umbrella helped a lot, but I can't wait until we are back indoors watching basketball and volley ball! T's team lost the first game by 2 points and won the second game by 6 points. T caught an interception, a couple of passes, and pulled several flags. Overall, it was a good game(s). 

T is the super tall one in the huddle.
Poor kid is just so much taller than everyone else!

He did pretty good hiking the ball.

L celebrated her birthday with a friend sleepover. She had been counting down the days for what seems like forever. She planned all kinds of fun things for them to do. They did some aerial stunts on our stand, made a colored sand craft, watched the Greatest Showman in ultra hd with the surround speakers on, played pool, made pizza and cupcakes, and were loud and shrill. Ok, the loud and shrill part was my spin on it. They called it "just talking". She had a wonderful time and I was so glad that she was able to celebrate with her friends this year. 

A has been busy getting graduation stuff together. They do a progressive slide show and a few other things so it requires some work going through past pictures and memories. It has been fun reminiscing as we go through them. I am very happy that we were able to take the kids so many places and create such wonderful memories. It is my greatest hope that all my children look back on their childhoods with fondness and nostalgia. There is only a brief time that kids get to be kids before real life sets in and they have major responsibilities beyond a few chores and bills to worry about paying. A is already learning that after high school things start to change.

We plan to make the most of the few months we have left before A starts working on her "real life".  Next week we go shoe shopping for prom. May God help me! I hate shopping, especially for shoes!


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